My Mistake part 6

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I sobbed the whole time I was packing, I was a mess my hair was in a messy bun I had mascara running down my face my eyes red because of crying so much, I had to pack light because I might be living out of my car or a hotel room either way I won't have that most room.

After I was done packing I had 2 boxes and 2 suitcases, my purse and my backpack.
I fixed my self up and went downstairs bringing my boxes down to my car, when I walked out to my car I didn't see my mom's car "They probably left" I thought out loud.
I opened up my trunk putting the 2 boxes in, then running up stairs and grabbing my 2 suitcases struggling to get them both down the stairs by my self, "Ugh Jughead I wish you were here right now" I said to my self.
After I was done packing I was sitting on my bed doing a last scan of my room making sure I didn't forget anything, after I knew I didn't forget I wiped my tears grabbed my purse and headed to my car.
I got in my car pulling away from the house I had known for my hole life, I didn't know where to go what to do but I knew that I needed someone to comfort me.... then it hit me! I need to talk to Polly but I didn't know where she lives but I did know someone who knew where she lived, and that person was Charles he's probably working, well that's really my only choice "we're gonna go see your uncle Charles" I said to my baby thinking that she or he could hear me, I turned onto the right road and drove to Charles.

I walked into where Charles was,
C-"Betty! Hi, I-uh I didn't expect you here so late, w-why aren't you at home?"
B-"Well it's a long story so you wanna order Chinese? I'm starving"
C-"Yeah sure"
We ordered Chinese food and sat and waited for it to come.
C-"So while we're waiting wanna tell what's going on?"
B-"Well I-um I-I'm p-pre-pregnant"
I whispered the last part waiting for his response or a reaction finally I got one.
C-"I-Uh I was not expecting that, is Jughead the father?"
B-"Y-Yes" *tears*
C-"There's something else isn't there?"
The food came as I started talking to Charles about everything, my parents kicking me out mine and Archie's kiss Jughead leaving I told him about everything.
B-"I know I really fucked up"
C-"I-Is there anything I can do?"
B-"Actually, there is something I need"
C-"What is it?"
B-"Can I have Polly's address?"
C-"Yeah sure, she lives in an apartment with the twins. But don't mind me asking... why do you want her address?"
Charles gave me a card with Polly's address on it, I smiled putting it in my purse.
B-"Because she's been in my position before, and I need her help because I'm going crazy, I mean I'm 16 and pregnant I have no place to live I don't have a job I mean I have fucking 100 dollars to my name, a-and the love of my life my baby's father is somewhere probably hooking up with girls and it's all my fault!" *sobs*
C-"Well look on the bright side, your turning 17 in a few months, I mean I could get you a job here and I know Jughead he is probably sitting in his car crying over you right now"
B-"Y-Yeah I-I g-guess" *tears*
C-"And you need to stop putting so much stress on your self, it's not healthy especially since your pregnant"
I nodded wiping my my tears.
B-"God my hormones are a bitch"
We both laughed before I started cleaning up, I said my good byes and left to go to Polly's"

Once I got to the address Charles gave me, I walked to the right apartment, I started to tear up I didn't know what to do what do I say?!
Then I knocked on the door...

My MistakeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang