My Mistake part 44

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She walked in with a smirk and her Toledo serpent jacket on, I stepped in front of Betty and glared at her
J-"What the hell are you doing here?!"
G-"Well I came to meet my first grandchildren"
J-"Hell no! You really think you can leave us in the dirt then come back and we'll just let you back into our family!?"
G-"Don't you dare talk to me like that! And you know that I had to go take care of some business!"
J-"So business means leaving your family behind! We lost our house because of you! You left when things got hard!"
The babies then started crying and I turned to them and took Juliet in my arms and she immediately stopped crying
G-"She looks just like you"
B-"She is his little mini me"
G-"Yes she is. Um Jughead can I talk to you for a second... alone"
I looked over at Betty and she nodded her head yes
J-"Fine but you only have 3 minutes"
She nodded and I handed Juliet to Betty and gave her a peck on the lips then walked outside the room with my mom
G-"You need to leave her"
G-"Jughead come on, you need to live your teenage life and not be taking care of 2 newborns. I mean if we're talking facts here how do you know that their even yours huh?"
J-"Mom your insane! This is my family MY family and I'm taking care of all of them, yeah sure I'm young but I'm not gonna walk out of them like you did with this family"
G-"Jughead their probably not even yours"
J-"No mom they are mine, have you not seen Juliet! You were just saying she looks exactly like me!"
G-"Well I forbid you to see her or HER babies"
J-"Oh you forbid me! Well I don't care what you "forbid" me to do, their my fucking children and she is my girlfriend who I was gonna propose to! Til you showed up! So don't you think for a god damn second that I am walking out on Betty and our babies"
G-"Well then don't be counting on seeing me anytime soon"
J-"I sure as hell won't, I'll even buy your ticket back to Toledo"
G-"Don't talk to your mother like that!"
J-"Your not my mother, now if you excuse me I have to get back to my girlfriend and my children"
I walked past her and back into Betty's room where I saw her smiling holding our beautiful sleeping babies
J-"I'm sorry about all of that-"
Before I could finish she barged in through the door again
She pointed to Betty and ran over to her
G-"You really think that you can just come into my son's life with YOUR babies and take him away from his normal life, are those babies even his?!"
Betty looked hurt, I could see her eyes full with tears and her trying so hard to hold them back
B-"I-I'm sorry Mrs. Jones i-if that's how Jughead really feels h-he can go back to his normal life. But for the record these babies are his as much as they are mine"
She held the babies close to her and looked at me
B-"I'm sorry Jughead for taking you away from your normal life, I-I just thought that you wanted to be apart of our lives... I didn't want you to feel pressured"
I then saw a tear slip from her eye and run down her face, I could see she felt guilty and I felt so bad for her. I ran over to her and wiped the single tear from her face and kissed her
J-"No no baby you didn't take me away from my life you made me a new and better one, you gave me our beautiful children. You gave me the best life I could ask for, I want to be apart of your lives and I promise to never leave you or our babies"
She couldn't hold it in anymore, she burst out crying and I just held her while she sobbed into my chest
B-"I love you Jug"
J-"I love you too Betts, you have no idea"
I then turned to my mom
J-"You are never going to see me or your grandchildren again, haven't you already done enough and now you come back and have to mess with my family"
G-"Jug WE are your family, Me, your dad, Jellybean, we're your family not this whore and her kids"
J-"What did you just call her!? She is not a whore and they are OUR kids, speaking of I don't want you around me or my family so you can leave and don't even think about seeing us again"
She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out and she just left, I watched her leave and when the door closed I heard Betty break down crying and I turned around to face her and held her in my arms
B-"Jug I'm so sorry for taking over your life with the babies" *sobs*
J-"Baby you didn't take over my life, I wanted this life with you... sure we started our family a little soon and yeah sure they weren't planned but we love them and we love each other, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I-I have a question to ask you"
She looked up at me as I got on one knee and pulled out the ring, she gasped and her hand was brought to cover her mouth. She still had the babies in her arms and it was perfect
J-"Elizabeth Cooper... will you marry me?"
More tears streamed down her face and she nodded her head up and down
B-"Yes! Yes a thousand times yes!"
I smiled and slid the ring on her finger then pulled her into a passionate kiss, when we pulled away we both looked at the babies in her arms and chuckled
B-"I love you"
J-"I love you more"
B-"Nope impossible"
J-"Baby I do the impossible"

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