My Mistake part 8

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After Polly got the twins changed I was in the kitchen making breakfast when I heard them sneaking around the corner then running and giving me a hug.
J-"Hi auntie"
B-"How did you guys sleep"
J-"Vevy good!"
Juniper said and Dagwood nodded I chuckled.
B-"Ok who wants some bacon!"
B-"Ok then go sit down and I'll go get mommy"
P-"I'm right here
P-"Hi my babies"
As the twins ran into Polly's arms I realized that I could have that with my baby, I placed my hand gracefully on my stomach smiling, Polly looked over at me as if she could tell what I was thinking, as she saw my hand on my stomach she told the twins to go sit down at the table before she came over to me.
P-"I saw you looking at us, and I saw your hand on your stomach"
She grinned at me
B-"Yeah, so?"
P-"Oh come on Betty we both know how much you've wanted to be a mom since you got your first baby doll"
We both chuckled, I knew she was right I have always wanted to be a mom but I just didn't think I would be one this early in my life
B-"I guess- I don't know! seeing you with the twins seeing them call you momma, it just i-it  warmed my heart"
P-"See I told you! Now how about we get this food on the table so we can eat"
B-"Ok ok!"
I put the food on a plater and brought them over to the dining room table, as soon as I set the food down I saw the twins eyes light up.
J/D-"Yayyyyyyyy food!"
P-"Now what do you say to auntie Betty for making you breakfast"
J/D-"Tank you auntie"
B-"Your very welcome"
We all smiled before grabbing food off of the plater.

After breakfast
P-"Ok I'm going to go take a shower, you ok with watching them for a few minutes Betty?"
B-"Yeah of corse! Take your time"
P-"Ok thank you"
I nodded before turning on the tv for them and started cleaning up, but while I was washing the dishes Juniper came up to me.
J-"Auntie where's Juggie?"
The question brought tears to my eyes, when we would watch the twins every once in a while Jughead would be there to help me he grew a strong bond with the twins but especially Juniper.
B-"Um Juggie left" *tears*
J-"B-But why?"
B-"B-Because auntie hurt Juggie"
B-"Why don't you go sit down and I'll tell both you and your brother"
I put the rest of the dishes on the drying rack and dried my hands then went over to the couch and sat down next to the twins.
B-"So, you guys probably what to know why Juggie left"
They both nodded there heads
B-"Well Auntie hurt Juggie so Juggie got mad at Auntie and he left" *tears*
D-"But why?"
B-"You'll understand when your older" *laughs*
J-"B-But when is Juggie coming back?"
B-"I-I don't know, but! I have other good news!"
They both shot there heads up in excitement and smiles while looking at me
B-"Well I have a baby in my tummy!"
She said pointing to my stomach
D-"Where iz da baby?"
B-"In my tummy!"
I pulled up my shirt revealing my small stomach, I still didn't have a bump because it was still early in the pregnancy but I still couldn't get over the fact that I have a baby in my stomach


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