My Mistake part 32

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B-"I-I tried"
She started sobbing and I just got up and held her in my arms
B-"I-I just thought you didn't want to talk to me, I'm sorry I-I should have tried harder"
J-"Why would you have thought that?"
B-"I-I tried contacting you a few times a week b-but you never answered"
J-"I'm so sorry, when you sent Archie to beat me up he broke my phone-"
B-"W-What are you talking about? I never sent Archie to hurt you! Why would you think that!?"
Oh no the mood swings started again
J-"No no baby I didn't really think that you sent him, I know you would never want to hurt me I was just overthinking, I know you love me and that you would never do anything to hurt me... well unless I made you really mad"
I chuckled and pecked her lips before she started crying again
B-"I'm sorry I snapped at you, i-it's just with the pregnancy and my hormones and the mood swings I'm sorry" *cries*
J-"Oh baby you have nothing to apologize for, you have our babies growing inside of you your allowed to go crazy"
She chuckled before locking her eyes with mine
B-"Do you promise that you won't leave me?"
J-"Yes I pinky promise"
I stuck out my pinky and she locked hers with mine before I kissed her passionately and when we pulled away she yawned, I looked at the clock and it was already almost 10 o'clock at night. I looked back over to Betty and her eyes were getting heavy so I picked her up and brought her to her room, I set her down on her bed, I changed her out of her clothes and put on some of her pj's, I took off her makeup and tucked her in before giving her a kiss on the forehead, as I started to walk away I heart a faint voice call my name
B-"Don't go... please"
I turned back around and smiled before climbing into bed with her, I wrapped my arms around her warm body and pulled her closer to me before we both fell asleep.

~a couple of hours later~
Betty's POV:
I woke up again crying because the babies wouldn't stop kicking me, I couldn't stay asleep for more then 20 minutes without waking up
J-"Knock knock, I got you a burger from Pop's like you asked"
I looked up to Jughead holding up a Pop's bag
B-"I don't want Pop's! I want pizza!"
He jumped a little bit
J-"But y-you said you wanted Pop's-"
B-"And now I want pizza"
J-"Ok baby I'm sorry I'll go get you some pizza"
He started to walk out
B-"Wait! I'm not just going to waste a perfectly good burger"
He chuckled and gave me the Pop's bag
J-"I also got you some fries"
B-"Thanks babe!"
He smiled and walked back out while I dug into my burger and fries.
J-"I'm back! And I got your pizza!"
I heard the front door open and heard Jug running up stairs, he came into my room and handed me the box of pizza before coming and sitting down next to me
B-"Oh can you get me the hot sauce and the pickles in the top right kitchen cabinet please"
J-"Hot sauce?"
B-"Don't judge me it's what your children want"
J-"Ok ok I'll got get you hot sauce and pickles"
He chuckled and got up again before going downstairs and getting me hot sauce and pickles, when he came back up he handed me them but stopped at my book case which had my ultrasound photos hanging from the top of it
B-"Thank youuuuuu"
J-"Your welcome" *chuckles*
He picked up one of the ultrasound photos and looked at it with a smile creeping up on his face
B-"Jug, what are you looking at?"
J-"Just your ultrasound photos"
B-"Oh yeah those" *chuckles*
J-"I'm really sorry I didn't come back sooner... I should have come back a lot sooner then I did, I should have been there when they first kicked, or when you took the test, or when you had to go to your first ultrasound... I should have been there, you must have been so scared and I wasn't even there to help you"
B-"Jug, look we both have made mistakes some bigger then others but look at where it's brought us... it's brought us back together"
We both smiled and he pulled me into a soft kiss, he pulled me closer to him and started kissing down my neck when the babies started kicking a lot again"
We both pulled away and I giggled looking down at my stomach
J-"Looks like some people don't like to share there mommy"
B-"I guess not"
I laid back and let out a small sob
J-"Baby what's wrong?"
B-"I'm just so tired, ever since I hit my second trimester I haven't been able to sleep through the night thanks to these too"
I light rubbed my stomach and felt them both kick my hand hard
J-"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry I did this to you and left you"
I just looked at him and let out a small sob again before lightly giving him a smile
J-"What can I do to make you feel better?"
B-"Make your children stop kicking me so I can sleep"
J-"I'll try" *laughs*

Jughead's POV:
I hated seeing Betty like this, she's tired and I can tell that she's in pain from her back, so I walked over so I was faced with her stomach and put my hands on her stomach, I rubbed her belly softly and felt them kicking my hands hard... poor Betty
J-"Hi babies, do you think you could let Mommy sleep, it's hard carrying you two around and she just wants to sleep" *whispers*
I gave her belly a kiss and kept lightly rubbing it and soon the kicking stopped, I looked up at Betty and smiled
J-"I have the magic touch"
I smirked and gave her belly one more kiss before going up and cuddling next to Betty
B-"Thank you for getting them to sleep"
J-"Of course baby, now go to sleep I know your tired"
I wrapped one arm around her the other one rubbing her stomach, I kissed her shoulder before we both drifted off asleep.

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