My Mistake part 49

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I got up on my feet and started bouncing her up and down, I then looked over and saw him standing in the door way. He started to walk in and towards me then pulled me into his arms
J-"Betty I am so sor-"
B-"You left me alone, you left me alone with 4 kids! The day my sister was murdered! I struggled but not like you care! How many girls did you hook up with? Huh?"
J-"Betty I swear to you I didn't hook up with any girls, I swear, Toni was there the whole time she can confirm that I didn't even look at any girls. Please you have to believe me"
B-"Even if I did believe you, you still left me alone with 4 kids by my self! I'm 17 too and I was blindsided by this adoption too! It's not just you Jughead!"
J-"I know, I'm so sorry I don't deserve you and you deserve a way better fiancé then me. Just please give me another chance... please"
B-"Fine, but this is your last chance"
J-"Thank you, thank you so much"
He pulled me into a soft kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist then took Juliet from me and started rocking her, she finally stopped crying and I chuckled and rolled my eyes
B-"Of course she stops crying for you"
J-"What can I say, she's a daddy's girl"
I chuckled and gave her a kiss on her forehead before going upstairs with Jug following behind me. I showed him to the room where all of the kids were sleeping and he put Juliet down in her crib then smiled at all of the kids sleeping peacefully, he shut the door quietly and we walked back to our room.
Once we got back to our room he took of his shirt and pants then climbed into bed while I changed my shirt and then climbed in next to him
J-"This room sure brings back some memories"
We both chuckled and I snuggle into his chest
B-"If sure does"
Before we knew it we both had fallen asleep.

We both were woken up by the twins jumping on us
Ju-"Auntie! Juggie! Wake up!"
D-"Yeah get up! We're hungry!"
B-"Ok ok I'm up"
We both chuckled and got out of bed then walked out of our room and I got the babies and Jug went downstairs with the twins.
Ju-"Juggie where did you go? You left us"
J-"I know I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left. But I'm back and I'm not leaving again"
D-"You promise?"
J-"I promise buddy"
We then all had breakfast just like a family, we dropped the twins off at daycare like a family, and we went through all the stares... like the family we are.

~4 years later~
Betty's POV:
I looked down at the positive pregnancy test in my hands, tears streamed down my face. I flipped over the other 2 pregnancy test that I had bought and they both read positive.
(Juniper and Dagwood are 7, Juliet and Ashton are 4, and Jughead and Betty are 21)
Juniper and Dagwood were at school, Juliet and Ashton were at preschool, and Jughead was writing his new book in our room. We hadn't left my mom's house which was now our house, we started paying our own bills after Jughead published his first book. I took over the Riverdale Register and have been working there for the past 4 years. Everything was going so good, we were all doing good. Jughead and I had gotten married and we changed the last names of Juniper and Dagwood so that Cooper was their middle name and Jones was their last names. But here I was again, pregnant.
I placed my hand on my stomach and sniffled, then walked out of the bathroom and walked into our room to see Jughead writing
J-"Hey babe"
J-"Are you ok?"
He stood up from his seat and pulled me into a hug
B-"Actually I have something to tell you"
J-"Ok, I have something to tell you too"
B-"O-Ok, you can go first"
He smiled and sat me down on our bed then began to speak
J-"Ok so, my manger just got me a contract for my new book series"
B-"Jug! That's great!"
J-"Yeah, but the contract is for 10 months and it's in California so I will have to move to California but I'll be back in 10 months-"
B-"N-No, you can't take that"
J-"What?! You were just saying how your so happy for me, now I can't take it, why not?"
B-"Because Jug you can't"
J-"Look I get that it'll be hard for you to take care of the kids, but they'll be at school for the most part"
B-"Jug you can't take it"
J-"Why not?"
B-"Because I said"
J-"Why the hell not?!"
B-"I said you can't!"
J-"Betts why are you being like this! I can take it if I-"
B-"Because I'm pregnant ok! But ya know what go to California Jug and leave me with 4 kids while I'm pregnant"
I then got up and ran out of the room
I didn't hear the rest because I was already out the door and in my car, I then cried and started to drive to Veronica's.

Veronica and Reggie are engaged and Veronica is currently 3 months pregnant. She owns a business and Reggie is a football coach.
I drove up there long driveway and hopped out and walked to front door, Veronica's car was here so I knew that she was home. When I knocked on the door Veronica opened the door with a bag of chips and her small baby bump
V-"B, hey!"
She pulled me into a hug then realized I had been crying
V-"B what's wrong?"
B-"I'm pregnant"
I cried and her face lit up
V-"That's great! But why are you crying?"
B-"He's leaving, Jug's leaving again. I can't go through this without him again V I can't"
I cried into her chest
V-"I know B, come on let's go inside and I can make you some tea"
I nodded and followed her inside, closing the door behind me.

My Mistakeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें