My Mistake part 11

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Betty's POV:
After we were done getting our nails done we went to the mall, when we got to the mall the first place we went was to go get pretzel bites, because I was hungry again.
We went to go sit down in the food court and we just laughed like when we were in middle school when we had no responsibility's no pregnancy's, no job's, no boy problems, but now that all is going away.
V-"So for your 17th birthday party what's the theme?"
B-"V that's 6 months away" *laughs*
V-"Still I want my bestie to have the day she deserves, your the last one to turn 17 Toni, Cheryl, and I already turned 17 so now it's your turn to have your big fiesta"
B-"All I want is to spend the day with my best friends and I want to see my baby daddy"
I whispered the last part
V-"Well I'll see what I can do"
I nodded my head before we started walking to store's, first we went to a clothing store then a shoe store then a candy store I tried to pay but Veronica wouldn't let me.
Then we came across a baby store I just started walking past it but Veronica stopped I looked back at her then walked back to her
V-"Can we?"
She took my hand and pulled me into the baby shop right to the clothing section then she started wondering around the store, I was looking around at all of the strollers, the changing tables, the cribs, onesies everything a baby could need was here and everything was so cute but also overwhelming. I never in my life thought I would be here shopping for my baby with Veronica, I giggled as I saw Veronica strolling over with a cart full of onesies and toys.
B-"Oh my god V!"
V-"I know I went a little overboard but look at how cute this onesie is!"
She pulled out a onesie and handed it to me
I put my hand to my mouth in aw of how cute it was, tears formed in my eyes and as Veronica noticed she pulled me into a hug
V-"Aw B I'm sorry I know you should be here with Jughead, but I thought that the onesie was perfect"
We both chuckled, Jughead and Veronica have always had a funny relationship they are really funny when they intimidate each other I can't even imagine what it would be like later in my pregnancy if both of them were here they would be fighting over me and the baby.
She showed me a few other onesies that she had in her cart

While we in line to check out we were looking at a few things when we heard
I turned around and saw Fp standing right next to us I froze hoping he wouldn't piece everything together and figuring out I'm pregnant.
B-"H-Hi I-uh-mh-what are you doing here?"
FP-"Sweet Pea, Fangs, and I are getting some baby toys for the monthly donation, w-what are you doing here?"
V-"I'm pregnant"
I turned my head with wide eyes and mouthed thank you
B-"Uh-Yeah she's pregnant and I'm taking her on a little shopping spree to-uh reduce stress"
FP-"Oh, congratulations"
V-"Thank you"
He smiled at us before walking away.
B-"Oh my god V thank you so much!"
V-"No problem girl your already under enough stress you don't need anymore"
Veronica smiled before she started putting things onto the checkout counter.
C-"Your total is 250 dollar and 89 cents"
I was blown away by the cost but I started pulling out my wallet when Veronica stopped me
V-"No no no now what kinda of aunt would I be if I didn't spoil my little niece or nephew?"
V-"Today is on auntie V"
B-"Veronica I can't let you-"
V-"Yes you can and you will"
V-"No but's"
She handed the cashier her credit card I put my wallet away and grabbed one of the bags from the counter while Veronica grabbed the other bag and we headed back out to my car.

~Earlier that morrning~
Veronica's POV:
I was still shocked at what Betty had told me a few days ago, I was going to be an Auntie I was so happy!
I couldn't wait to spoil him or her, yeah I was still a little mad at Betty for kissing Archie but life's to short also I haven't told anyone this but I think the whole thing was set up by Archie, because he was the one that told me to go to the park at that specific time and he told me to bring my phone to take pictures and stupidity I fell for it and now I got Betty in this mess and I'm scared if I tell her now I'll loose her and I know she doesn't like to admit it but she's struggling so I need to be there for her.
I was serving tables at work when I felt my phone vibrate I picked it up and saw there was a text from Polly...

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