My Mistake part 47

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I dropped the note and tears ran down my face, Jughead must have heard because he came running in and held me on his arms while I cried
J-"Baby, come on, let's go out to the living room and we can talk ok?"
I nodded my head and he picked me up and carried me out to the living room, he set me down on the couch and got me some water then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug
J-"Baby can you tell me why you broke down in your mom's room?"
B-"S-She left"
I sobbed into his chest and he looked at me confused so I got up and got the letter then handed it to him, he read it then looked back up at me
J-"S-So now w-we're parents to 4 kids?"
I just nodded slightly and put my head in my hands
J-"I-I-um I'm gonna go, I need some space"
He got up and started walking to the door but I stopped him
B-"No Jug, y-you can't leave me, please, I've lost everyone today. I can't loose you too"
My voice cracked and tears fell from my eyes
J-"Betty- we are 17, 17! We can't take care of 2 toddlers and 2 newborns! It's impossible!"
B-"No Jug we can do it, together"
I wrapped my arms around his body but he removed them
J-"Betty I just need some space and time to think"
And with that he walked out of the house and I broke down crying, I then heard someone call my name, I looked back and saw Juniper standing there with her stuffed elephant
J-"Auntie where did Juggie go?"
B-"Juggie just wants some time to think"
J-"Is he gonna come back?"
B-"I hope so baby"
J-"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
B-"Sure, I'm pretty tired so let's go now ok?"
She nodded her head and tiptoed upstairs while I followed behind her.
Once we got upstairs we both climbed into my old bed and snuggled next to each other, I kissed her head and snuggled into my chest
J-"Goos night auntie"
B-"Good night"
I turned off the lamp and we both fell asleep.

The next morning...
I woke up and thankfully everyone was still asleep, I walked downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee then started to make breakfast for everyone, soon the kids started to wake up one by one, first it was Dagwood, then Juliet, then Juniper, then Ashton. I got the twins fed first then I fed the babies while the twins played. I was actually doing this, I was actually taking care of them all by myself
B-"Ok! June, Dagwood, it's time to get dressed!"
I called to them and they followed me upstairs where I helped them get dressed, I then got my self dressed then the babies. I finally got everyone in the car and started driving to their daycare.
Once we got there I got the babies out of the car and into the stroller, the twins got out by them selfs and started walking to the gate, I kept getting stares from the rest of the parents but I didn't give a fuck, I could care less of what they thought of me. Yeah I'm 17 with 4 kids but I'm surviving and I'm doing pretty damn good for a first time mom.
B-"Hi, I'm Betty Cooper I think we've met before"
I shook the front desk lady's hand (we're gonna call her Tabitha)
T-"Oh yeah! Hi I'm sorry I didn't recognize you for some reason"
I chuckled and looked down at the babies peacefully sleeping in the stroller
B-"Well last time I saw you I was 7 months pregnant with these 2"
I moved the stroller so that she could see them and she smiled
T-"Oh their so cute!"
I chuckled and agreed
B-"Ok June, Dagwood, I will see you guys later when I come pick you up ok?"
J/D-"Ok! Bye!"
They gave me a hug and I waved bye as they walked off
B-"Um- so due to unfortunate circumstances, I have became their legal guardians. So I am their adoptive mother and Jughead Jones is their adoptive father, he is not here right now but hopefully he will be soon"
I turned away and wiped a few tears from my eyes then turned back and gave her a smile
T-"Ok well we're just gonna have to see the adoption papers and have you both sign here, when you come back to pick them up you can bring the papers and if you could bring Jughead with you, you both can sign"
I smiled and nodded my head, hopefully I can get Jughead to be here
B-"Ok thank you so much, I'll see you then"
I smiled and started to walk away when I heard "Wonder if she even knows how the father is of at least one of her kids" I turned back around but to my sight Tabitha stood in front of the woman who said it
T-"Excuse me but this young lady has a perfectly good man who is looking after her and their chicken so I suggest you find out the father of your kid before you make snarky comments"
She smirked and walked over to me
B-"Thank you so much"
T-"No problem, I don't like when woman comment on teen mom's when they don't even know the whole situation"
B-"Me too"
We both smiled and then she handed me a card with her number on it
T-"Here call me if you want me to baby sit these cuties or if you just wanna get lunch"
B-"I will, bye!"
She waved bye and I walked back to my car and loaded the babies in the car then drove home.

Once I got home the babies immediately started crying and wouldn't stop, I was finally fed up with it and decided to take them on a little adventure to look for their dad. So I got them in the car and the first place we drove was Fp's trailer.

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