My Mistake part 18

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~2 weeks ago~
Jughead's POV:
I was in my 1 bedroom 1 bathroom small apartment writing on my laptop when I heard my phone started to ring on the counter I got up to get it when someone kicked open my door, I tried to grab my phone but before I could I was punched in the stomach.
I looked up to see who it was and I couldn't believe it, it was Archie.
J-"Archie! What the hell!"
A-"This is what you get!"
He tried to punch my in my nose but I caught him and punched him in his nose, he stepped back trying to catch his balance. He tried to punch me again but I ducked and punched him leaving him stunned.
J-"Why are you doing this?!"
A-"Because Betty sent me!"
A-"Yeah she said she doesn't love you anymore and she wanted you to suffer!"
J-"N-No she didn't, she wouldn't!" *tears*
A-"She did!"
J-"I-I'm calling her"
I picked up my phone off the counter and tried to dial tears were forming in my eyes, but before I could dial her number Archie picked up my phone and threw it against the wall.
A-"Don't try and contact her!"
J-"You son of a bitch! That was the only way my family could contact me! There gonna think that I died or something!"
A-"Oh like they even care about you! You left them all behind Jughead! Don't you see it why do you think Betty chose me over you huh?! Because I'm the better man!"
He then ran out slamming the door behind him, I walked over to my shattered phone little pieces of the glasses scattered around the kitchen. I got down on my knee's holding the shattered phone in my hands, I then heard a knock at my door I went to open it and I saw my neighbor Jessica
Je-"Hey I heard some yelling and something shattering is everything ok?"
J-"Y-Yeah just an old friend payed me a visit"
Je-"You wanna talk about it?"
J-"N-No I think I just wanna be alone tonight-"
Then she kissed me and worst of all I kissed her back, I picked her up and brought her to my bed then I made the worst mistake in my life, I had sex with her.

~Skip to the present~
Betty's POV:
It was almost midnight and I was sitting on the couch rubbing my stomach when my stomach growled then I realized I haven't eaten dinner yet.
B-"Oh you guys are hungry, let's go get some Pop's"
I got up and left a note on the counter telling Polly I'll be back in a little while.
I decided to call Veronica to see if she wanted me to get her some food she said yes so I got us some burgers and drove to the Pembrooke.
B-"V! I'm here I got Pop's!"
I didn't here anything but I thought maybe she was just in the bathroom so I just set the food on the table. After a few minutes I started to hear shaky breathing.
I walked into Veronica's room and saw her on the floor tears streaming down her face, I realized she was having a panic attack, I ran to her and sat on the floor with her I held her in my arms.
B-"Shhh shhh, I'm here I'm here, you can get through this. Follow my breathing, it's going to be ok"
She was starting to calm down
B-"What do you need?"
She pointed to the water on her dresser.
I grabbed it and gave it to her as she sipped it slowly
B-"There you go your doing so good"
V-"T-Th-Thank y-you"
B-"Yeah, no problem V"
I helped her up and we ate our burger's
V-"Since when do you like pickles?"
B-"Since these two" *laughs*
V-"What else do you crave now?"
B-"So much, pickles, everything spicy, cheese, eggs, chocolate, oh and pop's I'm craving pickles chocolate and pop's 24/7"
V-"These babies have a weird appetite" *laughs*
B-"Yes they do"
We laughed before going and sitting on the couch and watching the bachelor until bar Toni a paused it and turned to me.
V-"I'm so sorry" *sobs*
B-"V for what? You have nothing to be sorry about"
V-"I just feel responsible for Jughead leaving if I hadn't sent the pictures then these two would have a daddy but I was thinking about my self getting let free from Archie, and! I'm supposed to be taking care of you but instead your here taking care of me" *sobs*
B-"V like I've said before you had nothing to do with this you weren't being selfish you just wanted to get out of a abuse relationship and I'm so proud of you, even the babies are so proud of you!" *laughs*
I took her hand and put it on my stomach
V-"Thank you B, I love you"
She pulled me into a hug before she sat down on the ground and started talking to the babies.
A little while later we heard someone come in to her bedroom we looked up and see Reggie
R-"Am I interrupting anything?"
V-"Babe! What are you doing here?"
B-"I texted him when you were talking to the babies"
R-"Yup she said you needed me"
V-"Yeah, we have to talk about something"

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