Chapter 21: A Strange Reunion

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Wanda suddenly perks up, "that's right, Amethyst." She lightly shakes my shoulder, making me giggle. "You're an Avenger now." I shake my head and look up into space.

"Me, an Avenger... I gotta admit, that's pretty damn cool," I express, chuckling at the end. The two chuckle along with me.

"Hey, you still have some time to kill before your brother gets here. How about we go watch sitcoms in my room while we wait?" Wanda suggests.

I smile, feeling more awake now. "Do you have 'Family Matters?"

"Yes," she responds enthusiastically.

"Then let's go," I say, standing up and placing my bowl in the sink. Wanda giggles and follows suit. I pause and turn around to ask Steve, "you coming?"

"You go ahead. I have to make a call," he declines. I shrug and keep walking.

"I thought he couldn't really call anyone right now?" I whisper to Wanda. She nods and responds, "he's probably calling Sam to see if everything's okay."

"Sam," I mumble before it clicks in my head. "Sam Wilson! He was an Avenger!"

Wanda gives me a quizzical look. "I did some research," I explain. She nods. "It's you, Cap, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, and the Winter Soldier who are on the run, right?"

"Yes... and Vision." She opens the door to her room and we enter.

"Vision, Vision... oh, is that the red guy?" I question.

Wanda is searching through her collection of sitcoms and freezes at my question. A hint of a smile graces her lips and she replies, "Yeah, he's the red guy." She looks completely zoned out as she stands there with two DVD cases in her hands. I sit on her bed and analyze her. I gasp as I realize something.

"You're in love with him," I state. She snaps out of her trance and looks at me in shock. "What?" she asks.

"Vision. You love him," I say.

She looks down at her hands to avoid eye contact and sighs. "Yeah..."

I smile empathetically at her. It wasn't hard to figure out. The look in her eyes and shift in tone when speaking of him gave it away. That must be "the look" everyone said I had whenever Jonathan was near. "Does he know?" I inquire.

She finally looks at me and nods, smiling. "He does... After Steve broke us out of The Raft, we all went into hiding. I believe it was a few days before you woke up when Vis left the compound to find me. He did and we went our own way."

I smile at the story. It's nice to know that Wanda has someone she loves. "Aww, he became a fugitive for you," I tease, sticking out my bottom lip.

Wanda blushes and laughs. "Shut up," she responds, nudging my shoulder. Once our laughter dies down, she goes back to searching through her collection. "Found 'Family Matters," she proudly announces, holding the DVD up in victory. She puts it in the DVD player and plops down on the bed beside me. She hits play and we pass the time watching the show, along with other shows Wanda wants me to watch.


It's 2:00 PM and Wanda and I are currently watching 'George Lopez.' We laugh at a joke but are interrupted by FRIDAY. "Miss Sinclair, Mr. Stark is requesting your presence in the common area."

My body goes cold and I freeze. Oh, God. Wanda notices my sudden anxiety and wraps an arm around me. "It's going to be okay. You've known these people your whole life... and don't worry about the experiment thing. If anyone knows what they're doing, it's Stark," she motivates me. I take a deep breath and nod. I climb off the bed and shuffle to the door. I glance back at Wanda and she gives me an encouraging smile. I open the door and make my way to the common area.

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