Don't Hide Your Love Away

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Felix Alexander's POV

Mom left this morning. She had stayed for two more days after my discharge from the Hospital, but of course, she had her job to return to and everyone here had assured her that I was going to be just fine.

"Make the right decision, love" she had whispered in my ear, when giving me a last, departing hug.

I had promised her and myself that I would make the right decision. Both women deserve better. I am no one to hurt their hearts and now that I understand what I want, I would be sinning by leading them on. I have to be clear with both of them.


I knock on June's cabin's door. She's not there. Strange. It's 6 in the evening. June usually stays way longer than 6 at the Hospital.

"Hey, Maggie!" I call out to the passing by nurse. She stops right away.

"Dr. Alexander. Surprise seeing you here. Isn't your shift starting tomorrow?"

How come everyone knows legitimately all my details? Anyways...

"It does, yeah, but where can I find Dr. Hirata?"

Maggie smirks slightly "Oh, you are here for Dr. Hirata?"

Uh-oh. I know this look. This is the look of 'I know you two are an item'.

"Um... yeah" I answer uneasily.

"I-I'm surprised you don't know actually. Dr. Hirata just quit today. She was here an hour ago. Wrapped up her cases, collected her belongings and left" she is utterly bemused at my lack of knowledge regarding the woman I'm supposedly dating.

"Great!" I almost sigh. Well, yes. I did not know that she actually did quit and decided to move to Mass Kenmore. I really assumed that she would give it a second thought and maybe... stay.

For what, though?

It hurts and also feels dumb at the same time, because I thought that I may be a reason for her to stay.

She's June. She doesn't compromise with her career. She does what's best for it and there are no reasons that can make her think twice.

Immediately, I feel disgusted with myself.

What a wrong thought it is to have, Felix!

Why should anyone compromise with anything, because of anyone? A person making you choose between two things and not understanding you, is not the right one.

Yes, I'm not the right one for her. I never was and I know it.

She's not here, so I know where else she can be. I could text her, but something tells me that I shouldn't.


"Felix!" I find June on the other side as soon as the door opens before my eyes. Yes, she's at home.

"Hey" she quickly pulls me in a deep embrace. I return her gesture.

"I'm so happy seeing you here. Come inside" and she motions for me to follow her. I enter the apartment after her.

"Make yourself comfortable. I was planning on opening this bottle of Chardonnay, that I was saving for, I literally don't know what! Come, we'll pop it open together" she tells me cheerily. As she makes her way towards the kitchen, I gather the courage inside my heart.

"Well, looked like you didn't wanna join me in Solomon Kenmore" and she chuckles "Yeah, it's Solomon Kenmore. The talks of merging Edenbrook and Kenmore didn't work out, after all"

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