An Extreme Encounter

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Felix Alexander's POV

June is certainly scared of what I have to say to her. She nervously bites her lower lip while I begin, "I know exactly what you've been doing"

"And what might that be?" she asks.

I snicker "Drop the act. You know what I'm talking about, June" and I take a long stride towards her, so that we're only a few feet apart. I give her a cold and angry look. She gulps.

The intimidator is getting intimidated. About time!

"What non-"

"You've been sleeping with Carrick and getting information out of him regarding the patients who are admitted at Mass Kenmore. Then, you directly contact those patients and their families. Manipulate them and get them admitted here, at Edenbrook"

I see the hint of fear in her eyes, but she immediately masks it and smiles "It's easy to claim such things"

I smile at her vanity "You sure are not as smart as I thought you were, June"

She keeps staring at me with a stone-cold gaze.

"I went through the files. It's clear that how 35% of our last admissions were previously being treated at Mass Kenmore, and this has been going on ever since it was confirmed that we may not be able to keep the lights on here for much longer"

June takes in a deep breath and avoids looking at me. She's at fault and now she has nowhere to run.

"So, you're painting me as the villain here, are you, Alexander?" she questions with a strange determination, that is confusing me.

"What's the question here, June? You are the villain. What you did was unethical. You manipulated poor patients in God knows what manner and brought them here just so that we can earn money! Those patients would've received an equally great treatment at Kenmore and you know it, but you acted selfishly and took all the wrong decisions!" heatedly, I snap back at her.

"Whatever I did was for Edenbrook. Call me selfish for wanting to work here longer and help as many people as I can! Call me selfish for thinking that Edenbrook has a much more qualified staff for dealing with patients than Mass Kenmore and definitely call me selfish for basically putting up with that asshole, Carrick just for this Hospital!" she shouts in rage.

"Oh don't try to act like some saint! You are selfish and your motive was money and solely money. That's what you wanted. People at Mass Kenmore are going through the same budget cuts as we are, but I don't see them going around stealing patients from others!"

June scratches her forehead, her entire body tensed and impatient. Suddenly, she holds me from my shoulders "Listen, Alexander. I don't understand what you're mad about more? Me, getting us patients from Mass Kenmore, or me sleeping with Carrick in order to do it"

I am speechless. How can she assume that I would care about her sleeping with Carrick? I just care about the fact that she's been stealing patients from another Hospital and basically manipulating the patients in definitely thinking that Mass Kenmore is not a good place, while Edenbrook is some heavenly utopia, where all their medical concerns will be solved with a flick of a wand!

"I don't care about you and Carrick. You can do whatever with whoever. It's none of my concern! What matters is that you can get both, yourself and this Hospital in trouble by doing such antics" I see her freeze for a moment and then continue.

"Just imagine if a patient says someday that you persuaded them to leave Kenmore and come to Edenbrook because I don't know... maybe, Mass Kenmore has a rat infested laundry room! What would you do then? Everyone will know you lied and knowing how fast news travels here and knowing the kind of guy that Tobias Carrick is, consider the charges of 'misguiding, manipulation and fraud' or whatever official charges there are to be thrown on your stupid ass head and a long trail of court hearings following up ahead"

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें