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Felix Alexander's POV

I sprint through the almost deserted corridors of the Hospital. Our security guard, Brock, right at my heel. Of course, I can't be facing a supposed criminal on my own.

There is lesser staff during the night shift. Oh, the times when it didn't used to be this way! When we had no worries of losing our jobs, when we didn't have to deal with criminals or worry about someone getting murdered under our watch.

"Dr. Alexander, how may..." one of the nurses recognises me, but I have no idea who he was, since I rushed by him in a blur.

Without caring about what's going on inside, I open the door of Senator's ward.

"Hold it!" I yell, when I see Farrugia about to eat some porridge. Travis, his secretary is seated beside his bed.

"Oh, Dr. Alexander! A pleasant surprise. I thought you were on a day-shift" he says, surprised by my sudden emergence.

"You are not supposed to eat anything right now" I hear the shakiness and breathlessness in my own voice.

"What is going on?" Farrugia sounds outraged all of a sudden.

"Calm down, Sir. We are here to help you" Brock assures him.

"No, but what is this behaviour? Travis, what is going on? Was I not supposed to be eating something at this point? Did the Doctors tell you about it?" he looks desperately towards his right-hand man, who simply shakes his head in denial.

"I was informed of no such requirement, Sir" he answers.

"Alright, kid. Now I want you to come with me" says Brock, to which, Travis's mouth twitches.

"Why would I do that?" he questions.

"Because you've been poisoning the Senator and we know it" I say calmly, looking him straight in the eye.

He panics immediately and stands on his feet.

"What lies are these?" he angrily shouts.

"Exactly! Are you out of your mind, Doctor?" adds Farrugia.

"If you haven't done anything, then co-operate with us and do as we ask" I command.

Travis grits his teeth and eyes us with extreme disgust.

"What is going on here? What's this shouting all about?" I hear Danny enter the ward. He's bewildered.

"Come now, kid" Brock slowly begins walking towards him and I see a flash of fury in Travis's eyes while his hand reaches inside his coat's inner pocket.

"Travis..." I almost gasp with fear. What is he trying to get out from in there?

In a second, Travis has, what looks like a bomb, clutched tightly in his hands and he brings it right next to Farrugia's nose, who screams with terror.

"Close the damn door behind you!" he howls at Danny.

"Do it! Do it! He'll do something!" yells Farrugia, his hands shaking with panic.

Danny quickly closes the room's door without question.

"Listen, Travis. Calm down. It's gonna do no good for any of us" Brock asks him coolly.

"Shut up! This filthy pile of trash deserves to die. He's a fucking murderer!" Travis shouts.

Maybe if I pleaded to his emotions? Maybe we can be saved.

"Travis, I know he's the reason your family's dead. I know this and I understand you. Your mother, your brother..." I haven't even finished and Travis begins sobbing.

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦Where stories live. Discover now