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Felix Alexander's POV

I am in the kitchen, preparing morning coffee for everyone.

"Honestly, how much coffee do we drink?" I curse seeing that how we are out of coffee. It has hardly been two weeks since I got a huge bag of freshly grounded coffee from our usual café (for the record, it's the same one where Sienna and I... where I recently took my intern for a dessert). Charlie's Café.

"Oh!" I hear a gasp.

Sienna is standing near the sofa, wide eyed and stunned.

"Is... everything alright?" I feel confused. What have I done now?

"Yeah, um... morning weirdness!" she denies to take any further questions as she quickly makes herself a huge ass mug of coffee as soon as the brewing is complete and sits on one of the barstools to drink.

"Aren't you in a hurry today? It is still really hot" I point out the mug of burning coffee that she's holding.

"Ow!" she quickly puts the mug she was holding on the kitchen island and violently gives her hand a shake.

"Let me see, did you burn yourself?" I head over to the other side of the island, half expecting to be stopped mid-way. To my surprise, I don't.

I hold her right hand in mine as softly and tenderly as I can. The tip of her middle and index finger are slightly reddish.

"Let's wash it. It is nothing to worry about" she won't even feel the pain in an hour or two.

Together, we reach the kitchen's sink and she starts washing her hand.

"Do you want me to prepare an ice bowl?" I ask, half expecting a 'No I'll be fine'. Instead, she shakes her head in a 'Yes'.

Why is everything going exactly the opposite way today?

She re-takes her old position on the barstool while I place a glass bowl filled with cool water and ice before her on the kitchen island.

"You should have held the mug from the handle and not from the middle" I point out her grave mistake that led to this.

"Yeah, sorry about that" she groans in a low tone that was hardly audible.

With my arms resting on the island, I lean forwards and take the view in. She's gorgeous. Her lips look especially pink today and her eyes... wait, did she not sleep well? She never has eye bags, today she does have some.

"Did you sleep well, last night?" I ask out of concern.

"Yeah, why?" she replies very casually.

"No, just asking" I give her a 'Sounds fake, but okay' kind of smile.

"Need more ice in it?" I offer.

"No, this is alright" she hurriedly replies, sounding a bit annoyed.

I notice that her coffee is getting cold.

"The coffee. It's getting cold" I point it out.

"Uh, right" she acknowledges it, but doesn't touch the mug. Before, she only had her right hand in the ice bowl, but now she rests her left hand in it too.

What if I helped her? She can drink it later, but cold coffee won't be a treat to have. She never wastes food, so she'll surely have it, but it won't be pleasing.

Thus, without thinking much, I pick up her mug and bring it right in front of her lips which startles her.

"I'll be careful" I assure her with a smile.

"You sure it is not as hot as it was before?" she asks innocently.

I touch the mug, it feels kind of hot, so I blow some air on it and then offer it to her again. I notice her expression go from confusion to amusement. I make sure to properly help her take a sip and then pull the mug back.

"Good?" I ask.

She nods.

I help her with the coffee for a few more minutes before she asks me to leave it for a while.

"Show me your hands. How is it now?" I give her a sympathetic nod, to which she pulls out her right hand first and hold it out towards me. I take her hand in mine and inspect her fingertips. With my thumb, I touch her slightly reddish skin. Thankfully, the fingers are not swollen.

"Feel pain or anything?" I ask, to which she gives me a no. Well, that's good. Although, they are momentarily numb. Better to wait and see if she feels anything negative.

"How about we keep it out of water for a while and see if it is any better"

"I think it may be. For now, I feel no sensation" she explains. I take in her words and gaze at her fingertips even more carefully.

"Want me to kiss it better?" I say with a straight face and sort of involuntarily.

Oh no. But it is done now.

"Can you really do that?" she asks in a surprised manner.

"Only if you'd want me to..." I reply after a short pause. Looking deep into her chocolate brown eyes, I can feel her desire and I hope that she can see mine too.

Without leaving her gaze, I bring her hand near my mouth, stopping only an inch away from her fingertips. I softly blow air on her skin which makes her mouth twitch, ever so minimally.

With my eyes still locked with hers, I end the misery for both of us and graze my lips against her fingertips. This time, her chest visibly rises and falls at the electrifying impact. She doesn't say it, but I feel it. She liked it... a lot!

I switch my gaze towards her thin, beautiful fingers and give her small, sweet kisses on each of the hurt fingers. She sits there quite expressionless, but the way her breathing has quickened is a direct explanation of her condition.

There is no way that I'm stopping here today.
I feel like some kinky bad boy side that I had, but was never aware of is taking over me at the moment.

Instead of continuing to kiss her fingers, I look into her eyes again, to which she shudders and I softly take the tip of her index finger inside my mouth. As soon as my tongue touches her finger, she closes her eyes and I also hear the sound of a soft impact of her other hand with the surface of the ice bowl. I continue to lick her fingertip while watching her reaction to my action. The way that her eyes are getting even more tightly shut by every passing moment is a clear indication that she's trying to hold back any expression of pleasure.

No way that I am supposed to do the same though.

Taking the tip of her middle finger inside my mouth as well, I run my tongue around it and give her a very soft, but evident moan.

Where has all my fear gone? My roommates could be coming out here any second and this is no position in which they'd like to see us.

Alas, looks like I fear nobody today.

Letting go of her fingertips, I plant a kiss on the surface of her now-warm palm. Then, I travel back from the centre of her palm, towards her fingertips.

My own heartbeat has quickened during this rendezvous of ours and I fear for the first time today that she just might hear that how fast it's racing.

I finally pull away from her hand, to which she immediately opens her eyes in shock. She didn't want me to stop, I guess.

"Did you have any sensations now?" I ask with the most innocent expression that I can conjure.

She takes her long moment of silence, and then "I think I remember having better sensations when your mouth had once been somewhere else".


I know the chapter's short but of course... a double update!

Surprise, Surprise!

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