Puppy Love

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Sienna Trinh's POV

It is the day. It is that day after all.
Danny had asked me to go to his cousin's animal shelter today. It is 10:00 AM already and he said that he'd pick me up at 11:00.

Something that could have been a fine Saturday morning with no hurry to wake up, is turned into a fiery dilemma of a situation.

I am reminded of my last 'date' with Danny. It was clearly not a date on my end but it certainly was for him. The entire evening, he treated me as if though we were on an actual date, while I had literally brought along Felix. Who in their right mind would bring along someone on their date? Thus, it was very prominently not a date.

Anyways, it was a long time back and back then, I was committed too. Such is not the case any longer. It can be called a date on both ends... but do I want to call it that?

I certainly don't!

I will just tell him that it is not going to be anything romantic. He will hopefully understand. He's also a good guy after all.


I see... the fate is not at all on my side today. Felix is reclining on the sofa's chaise, using his phone. Why did he have to be awake so early on a Saturday? This seems unnatural. Who wakes up this early on a weekend?

He immediately raises his head to get a look at me. Even though our eye contact is merely for a second, it makes my entire body go warm. Warm is an understatement, Sienna. You are all fired up right now. Perhaps my mind speaks the truth. I can't stop thinking about his lips now... oh, all the places that they had been! This man should be announced illegal by the authorities.

"Good Morning" he speaks up.

"Good morning to you too. Looks like it is an early morning for you" I am thankful that I did not stutter.

He stands up... and oh God, he shouldn't have! I try to avoid looking at how tight his gray t-shirt is. It sticks so close to his torso, that I swear, I can make out every detail underneath that soft and thin fabric. He is wearing Puma gym pants and no shoes.

"I went to the gym, actually. I realised that I have been slacking off a lot when it comes to exercise. So, I have been up since 7" he answers, stowing his phone in his pocket.

"Great!" I sounded extremely excited. Even he is confused at my sudden embarrassing display of happiness (which is not the case, I just fumbled real bad, that's all).

"You look really pretty" he says, smiling at me.

"Erm, thank you" I reply, nervously tucking an escaped strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'll see you later" I awkwardly smile at him and head towards the main door. He is real quick. He runs past me like the wind, leaving behind the scent of his soft perfume. He hurried ahead of me so that he could open the door for me... should I just die now because of how cute he is?

He keeps standing beside the open door, until I reach the elevator and click the 'call' button.


Danny was on time. He had promised 11:00 and he came at 11:00. I ride the cab with him. He seems super excited for the trip and I have no idea on how to tell him that this is not a date. Wait, he never mentioned it being a date... maybe he is also not considering it as one and I am tiring myself with worry for no reason at all.

"You'd love the place" he is shining like the Sun itself today. He is just way too giddy about this!

I don't reply. This car ride better end as soon as possible, because I cannot talk to him like this.

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦Where stories live. Discover now