Words Like Knives

68 6 18

Felix Alexander's POV

I walk out of the room, breathing quite heavily. The Officer on the main desk quickly quits sniffing the Donut pack that he was holding and gazes at me, wide-eyed. I stop in front of him.

"You need to sign here" he thrusts a pen in my face while pointing over to a register. I don't accept the pen. Guess Officer Jones had already informed him that there were 99.99% chances that I would burst out of the room this very way even before my allotted thinking time was finished.

Steadying myself and seriously kicking myself in my dumb, dead brain, I say in a clear, steady voice "I need to talk to Officer Jones"


I am seated on a plastic foldable chair, which is uncomfortably cold for my backside. In front of me is a rectangular table and a similar chair on the opposite side of it. Towards my right hand side is that creepy mirror through which I cannot see, but the bastard standing on the other end can gawk at me full-time. Nothing about this is appealing, comforting or calming at all. I knew I'd regret it every second, but I chose to do it anyways.

Mr. Alexander should not confuse my actions with anything to do with love, care, affection or even hatred. I despise him, yes, but I've been telling myself to stop doing it. To stop feeling anything towards him. To become unaffected, ignorant and careless of everything that has to do with him and his bloody existence. I am selfish, true. I am selfish, because today I want to show him that just how better off I am without him. To show him, that I have achieved a very successful place in my life and my life has no place for him! I want him to see and to suffer! In the end, I know that I'd leave this room, more indifferent to him than ever before. After today, even the hatred that I have for him would be gone. He would be gone from my life and my mind.

The sound of a buzz gets my attention and the door opens. I keep my eyes focused on the floor, so that I am seeing their feet and not the faces. Mr. Alexander is being brought in by an Officer. His shoes are dirty and traces of dried mud remain on the sides. I hear the soft metallic sound of the handcuffs as well, which makes me smirk inwardly. Once he is seated on the opposite end of the table, the Officer speaks up.

"You have 20 minutes and don't try to exchange any object. You are under strict surveillance" with this, he departs.

"Guess we ought to choose our words carefully as well, hehe" he chuckles.

There is a moment of uncomfortable silence. I am not going to start a conversation. He can say what he wanted me here for and then get lost.

"Umm... Thanks for agreeing to see me, Son" he shifts uncomfortably in his place.

"I'm no son of yours. We better keep things the way that you know they are or I'm leaving right away" I warn him and he immediately responds with begging me not to go.

"I-I know you are angry at me. I know that, and you have all the reasons to be angry. To hate me. To loathe me" he murmurs with what sounds like sadness.

"I am quite sure that after today, all of that will be gone, Mr. Alexander" I say, tilting my head and looking at his face for the first time. My words have ignited a strange hope in his eyes. He is surely taking it positively. Great. Time to break his hope.

"Today onwards... I'll be rid of all the useless emotions that I had for you for so many years. Anger, loathing, disgust. Everything will be gone, because I understand it now that I want to have nothing to do with you or with your sorry existence"

Mr. Alexander leans back on the chair and shuts his eyes close. I don't care what he's thinking, but I hope and I'm sure that I've hurt him. Am I happy about it? Yes.

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