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Felix Alexander's POV

I am enjoying my break time with my friends. We are at Edenbrook's back lot, having coffee and chatting... or basically just hearing each other complain about their respective interns.

"I don't like being strict with Sothy, but I got no other choice. He needs to become responsible" Elijah lowers his head sorrowfully.

"Ah, same! Mitch needs to grow up as well. I am getting tired of covering up for him and dragging his load" speaks an agitated Sienna.

"Well, I have been telling ya'll to learn from Aur Me. I have kept Gary Garrison on his spot since day 1. He gives me occasional trouble, but not as bad as you guys' interns" Jackie rolls her eyes.

"Well, Felix is the luckiest amongst us. The man scored a jackpot with Esme Ortega" Bryce pokes my ribs with his strong elbow.

"True. I envy you, Felix" comes Elijah's remark.

Sienna and Jackie also add in a few words of praise for my intern, Esme. I do feel proud of her. She's a very talented young girl.

"Umm, yeah I had to tell you guys something..." I get their attention.

Bryce smirks "Okay, get ready bois! He's finally about to accept that he's been secretly dating his senior"

I roll my eyes.

He is taken aback "What? You're dating an intern? Well, this was unexpected"

"No Bryce. Nothing like that" I reply.

Jackie snorts with sarcasm "Not everyone is as enviable as you in terms of workplace romances".

Bryce acts like raising his collars, which are non-existent by the way "Never showed off about it, you know. I am a humble little boy"

"I have never seen a little boy with six pack abs" Elijah pats Bryce's muscular stomach.

Bryce raises an eyebrow and winks at him.

"What I wanted to say before I was wrongly accused of dating co-workers, is that I will not be going home with you guys. I'll take a cab later on. It is a diagnostics team thing" I am finally able to tell them.

"How long? Maybe I can drop you" Bryce offers sincerely.

"Maybe we can wait!" Sienna suggests.

I pass them both a small, grateful smile but I surely don't want them to wait because of me as it may take long.

"Diagnostics team sure has gotten you busy" shrugs Jackie "Don't worry, we'll save you dinner" she adds with a sweet smile.

"Thanks for understanding guys" I genuinely say. Good. They won't have to wait now and I can work properly with the patient... who is the A-list Hollywood Director, Thomas Hunt.


Ever since I got to know that Hunt was coming tonight, I couldn't stop imagining one thing and that was that what if by some miracle, Ramsey and Hunt came across each other. From what I know (tabloids and entertainment news are my sources) Hunt is a very determined, passionate and hard-working man, but he can also be very stubborn and borderline mean from when it comes to achieving perfection. Ring, Ring! Reminds you of someone, doesn't it?

Ramsey, of course.

Both are more alike than they know. I just hope that they get to meet each other. That one encounter would be legendary, and about this I'm sure that I'm not even exaggerating.

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