Somebody To Love

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Felix Alexander's POV

"A little birdie told me that you've been spending your evenings with someone special these days" Bryce smirks at me as I'm changing into my casuals after the day's shift.

Three guesses on who this 'birdie' is?

"Elijah said that to you, didn't he?" not even mildly surprised.

"You know..." Bryce walks over, with his t-shirt in hand, making me envious of his chiseled abs "I'm happy you're finally getting it"

"It's a whole lot of assumption, isn't it?" I blurt out.

He puts his hands on his waist and says "Bud, I know the look, okay. I can see it on your face. You're getting railed and you're getting railed for good".

Far from the truth. June and I have started going out from the last four days and in these four days, only two evenings I've spent with her and we were far from having sex both times. I just went on a coffee with her, then she went on a coffee and cheesecake date with me. I dropped her off and that was it.

I smile to myself at how off-the-mark Bryce is and he begins laughing, pointing fingers at me while cheering "Knew it! This is the look!".

"Oh God..." I mutter, tired of him and his behaviour.

"Okay, okay! Won't interfere" he raises his hands in the air, submissively and my eyes fall on his perfect chest again.

"Put a goddamn shirt on, for heaven's sake, man!"


Sienna Trinh's POV

I am seated on the barstool beside our kitchen island after having served a nice Hot Chocolate to my poor friends.

"You know, it's not that important. They'll get it one day and even if they don't, that's alright!" and Jackie leans closer to Aurora, landing a peck on her cheek. Aurora is gloomy and staring at her steaming mug of Hot chocolate.

"I could hear how uncomfortable your Mom was" Aurora pouts.

"Okay, my Maa is not used to talking to the people I'm dating. You're the first one ever, to talk to my parents" Jackie smiles brightly for her, trying hard to cheer her up.

"Your first girlfriend to have ever talked to your parents. I'm sure that if it were a guy, who was a Doctor, from a family of Doctors, Tufts graduate and all that crap... your parents would've been happier"

Jackie immediately gets off of her barstool and wraps Aurora in a side hug. Are these two gonna make me cry now?

"Listen... my family is very much aware of my queerness and they are not exactly okay with it, but they also don't hate me for it and neither do they hate my woman, alright?" and she kisses her temple, lovingly.

"At least they don't hate you for being who you are. My family doesn't even have the slightest of idea that I'm into girls" Aurora sighs.

"We don't know how they'd react" says Jackie, reassuringly.

"I know they won't be happy. My family is fine with anyone being LGBTQ, just not their own kin being that way!" Aurora bursts out, almost on the verge of tears now.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. You don't have to come out to anyone yet! You do it in your own time and who knows-"

"They might be more accepting than you're imagining now" Jackie completes my sentence.

"No surety" sniffs Aurora.

"Nothing is ever 100% sure... except the failure of those medicines that claim to increase four inches of your height in a week"

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦Where stories live. Discover now