Poison In The Heart

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Felix Alexander's POV

My breath is caught in my throat and my feelings are taking the best of me. It makes me wonder.

Was I ever even ready for a relationship with June?

Had I actually wished to move on from Sienna?

What is the answer to my confusion?

I find myself standing quite motionless now.

"Felix, are you alright?" she asks me.

Am I?

I don't know.

I manage to nod my head and walk past her. Though, the urge to turn back, hold her in my arms and kiss her like crazy is still lingering right there in my head.

We hear footsteps and laughs heading our way and the door of the supply closet opens wide. A few interns are standing on the other end. They immediately stop laughing and greet us.

Usually, I am pretty cheery with the interns, but right now, I just wanna get away. So, I politely nod my head and exit.


Once we're back to her patient's ward, I am feeling quite relieved that I had managed to restrain myself back there and not done something that I would be regretting right now. After a drink of water, I feel even better and almost as good as I was feeling before my heart starting doing those flips for Sienna. Felix, don't even think about them. It's dangerous!

"I totally forgot to ask you" Sienna begins, "Why'd you stay back? Jackie and Elijah left long ago".

"For you" I say with a smile, but immediately realise that maybe I could've chosen better words.

Uneasily, I choose the 'better words' "I heard you were staying back, so I thought that I might give you company. Things can get boring alone"

She softly chuckles "Not when you're taking care of a living, breathing human being".

The happiness that I was feeling a while ago is slowly getting replaced by anxiety and discomfort, because of my own remarks.

"But, thank you, nonetheless. I'm not used to of being cared for like this" she says.

"I think you should, though. Isn't that what friends are for?" I reply, hesitantly. Friends is true, but sad at the same time. Why couldn't we ever be anything more than just that?

Sienna monitors her patient for the next few minutes "He's stable now, thank God".

"That's great!"

Just then, there's a new entrant in the ward.

"Felix, what are you still doing here?" it's June. She looks surprised, seeing me here.

"Sienna had to stay back with her patient, so I decided to give her some company" I answer, truthfully.

I see June's eyes shift to Sienna and become rather cold, to be honest.

"Great, then are you free now? How about I drop you home, since it looks like Dr. Trinh might be here a bit longer" June asks sternly.

"No, her patient's actually pretty stable so maybe-"

"No, you can leave, Felix. I may stay here for a while longer. Got to make sure that he's alright" interrupts Sienna.

My jaw is dropped as I look at her and then, at her patient. He is absolutely stable now. For what does she want to stay back here?

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦Where stories live. Discover now