Mr. Trinh

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Sienna Trinh's POV

My housemates had quite exotic reactions for when I told them that my Dad may visit us for a few hours this Sunday a.k.a tomorrow.

Jackie had rolled her eyes as per ritual and groaned "We're good for as long as he doesn't try to raid my mess of a room"

"You should definitely try and clean it up a little. Even I feel uncomfortable" her girlfriend, Aurora complained in a low whisper. Oh yeah, us housemates all know now that they are together. They didn't announce it, but even they know that they don't need to because we already figured it out. I mean, who would be blind enough to not understand when you are casually embracing each other from behind and then gazing at one another all the time.

"Should we help you clean up?" asked Elijah earnestly, but I denied.

"I have heard that Asian parents are really observant about the cleanliness of their children's houses" Aurora said thoughtfully.

I sighed "They are observant about literally everything about their child" especially my Dad. It was not easy growing up with him, even for me, a very obedient daughter. It was even harder for my rebellious younger sister, Chesa. She was always giving a hard time to both my parents and they were giving her a hard time in return.

"Don't worry, how hard can it be?" Felix had placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled reassuringly at me.

Well... they all don't know my Dad. Hard is an understatement for when it comes to dealing with him. I grasp my cleaning cloth tightly and fix the apron that I'm wearing. Then, I tighten my ponytail (which was already pretty tight, but I just needed to do something before I nervously start my cleaning mission). I have a bubble pink thin hairband on which keeps my hair from falling into my eyes. Everything's perfect. It's showtime!

I grab the surface cleaner from one of the kitchen cabinets and spray the green liquid on the marble countertop. In circular motions, I begin wiping it clean. I will do all the dusting and surface cleaning like this and when everybody wakes up... maybe by 11 AM, I'll start with the vacuum cleaning, since we have a second hand, old vacuum cleaner and it makes such an amazing sound that even the dead can rise from their graves and curse at me, my housemates are still living, breathing people.

After making the countertop shiny and spotless, I smile to myself and start the process again with our kitchen island.

"Jesus Christ! You did start at 8:00" Elijah gasps. I look up to find all my friends standing a few feet away, smiling at me.

"Y-You guys? Why are you here" I am failing to find words at the moment.

"We may be sleepy, but we could never let you work alone" Jackie winks.

"Guys!" I feel the warm tears preparing themselves to make an entrance in my eyes.

"Group hug before she cries!" Elijah cries out and they all have wrapped me in a tight, warm hug before I know it.

"Don't worry, your Dad will not get a chance to complain" Aurora smiles.

Just like a true leader, Felix claps his hands to get everyone's attention "Well then! Let's divide the tasks shall we?"


Our apartment's balcony is accessed via a glass sliding door present in our living room. I am cleaning the balcony's railing first, with cloth. It is so dusty, I had never known! Plus, I would need to use the cleaning liquid as well because there's water marks on the steel from previous sessions of rains. I also make sure to check that if the railing needs any fixing or not. Doesn't seem like it.

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن