The Other Man

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Sienna Trinh's POV

"That would be all" Danny hands over the menu to our waiter, who bows and leaves with our order.

"My friend can swear on this place's crab cake. Hopefully, we'll be able to swear on it too" he grins.

I smile slightly and steal a glance at my phone, placed on my lap. Why has it only been half an hour? It felt like at least an hour to me.

Danny and I look anything but a couple, on a date. He's in a fresh, two piece black suit and tie, while I'm in navy blue jeans and a teal top; my hair tied in my usual pigtail. I wish we discussed the dress code for tonight. He took it way too formally, while I kept it painfully casual.

He keeps on smiling at me while fiddling with his tie. I have this extreme urge to tell him to stop doing that, because he has misplaced his tie from the perfect spot. It is pushed too much to the left, while it should perfectly meet his shirt's top most button, right in the centre.

"Ahhh" he is thinking of something to talk about.

"W-Was work tough today?" he finally stops on a work-related question. The safest, but the most boring of all questions. As if I wasn't dying of boredom and discomfort already.

No! Not discomfort from the place or him, exactly. The restaurant is a five-star and beyond peaceful. He really has gone all-out on this first date. The discomfort is just the fact that it is a 'Date' and that I am thinking of another man while being with him. It is both uncomfortable and mean to me. In the end... I just regret giving this a try at all.

I thought that if Felix could move ahead, then so could I! If he had June, then I had someone too. I was just immature and selfish to think this way. Danny is so invested in this, while I'm just battling my thoughts and hoping that I get a phone call or something so that I can just leave.

"I think it was alright" I answer shortly.

"Yeah, me too. It gets tough sometimes. Especially when you're assisting the surgeons" he chuckles.

"Whom did you assist?" I ask, trying my best to sound interested.

"Dr. Chang and Dr. Bryce. They were performing a by-pass today. It was very nerve-wracking!" and he acts like drying off some sweat from his forehead.

I chuckle, or force myself to, because I don't want him more uneasy than he already is. If I were the old me, I would've laughed my heart out with him, but it just doesn't feel that way anymore.

Felix must be with June right now. It's a Friday evening. 8 at the moment and it's breezy and lively out there, to add.

"Thanks for coming here with me, Sienna. I really want us to work out" he says and that's when I feel that I have actually pushed myself into this.

"You know, I called my Mom and told her this, last night. She didn't believe me! Seriously! She just didn't. I had to convince her for a whole twenty minutes that you had called and said 'Yes' to me" he reveals with excitement.

This means so much to him and here I am... Not enjoying a single minute of our time and constantly thinking of another man.

"Sienna?" he asks, sounding concerned.

That other man is taken, Sienna. Add that to your thoughts too, with a bold, black marker, so that you never forget.

"Sienna, what happened? Why are you crying like this?"

I'm crying?

Tears surely are falling from my eyes.

I gather some strength and look up at Danny, who is utterly confused, as well as horrified.

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦Where stories live. Discover now