Bad Weekend

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Sienna Trinh's POV

I have no idea what happened at the Police Station, but Felix has not been happy ever since he came back. None of us talked about it with him, but all of us are rightly concerned for him. We have an impromptu housemates meeting after he's off to bed.

"Maybe his Dad's getting a death sentence" Elijah suggests.

"Oh C'mon, no!" Jackie groans.

"Babe, it's a suggestion, but yeah I agree. It's a little too much for getting on the wrong side of a Gang" Aurora replies, while continuing caressing the back of Jackie's neck.

"Okay, I'm off to bed" announces Elijah. He is only halfway to his bedroom when he stops and turns around again "Sienna, will Uncle be here tomorrow?"

A good question. After deserting him today, I never talked to him the entire day and he never told me about his plans for tomorrow.

I shrug "I have no idea".

Elijah nods in understanding and then leaves. Jackie and Aurora are still seated on the sofa beside me. Their legs intertwined and their expressions all lovey-dovey.

"How about we go shopping tomorrow, babe? I could get you some Gucci" asks Jackie.

Aurora narrows her eyes suspiciously at her "We're not that rich, Babe. Plus..." she drops a kiss on Jackie's forehead which ignites a yearning feeling in my heart "You should be saving money. I don't want any expensive gifts from you"

Jackie smirks "Why? You seriously think I can't buy you some luxury shit?"

"Nope. Feelings can be expressed in many other ways. Spending money on useless expensive things is not a necessity. Plus, I can buy the useless luxury shit by myself" smiles Aurora.

"Well, then there are some things that you may not be able to get by yourself..." Jackie speaks seductively, biting her lower lip as she leans in to plant a sensual kiss on Aurora's mouth.

I clear my throat just then because someone needs to go to their bedroom. Either me or them. While Jackie looks unaffected, Aurora is sheepishly blushing.

"Yeah, I was still here" I say innocently.

Aurora laughs "Sorry, Sienna. Come babe" and she stands up. Jackie holds her hand in order to rise up herself. They wish me goodnight and leave. With the click of their door's lock, everything is just insanely silent all of a sudden.

I lay down on the chaise of our sofa. Putting one comfy pillow underneath my head and cuddling with the other one in my arms. It's not exactly comfortable, but I like the view before me. Boston underneath me, looks like a never-ending dream. A sea of shining, bright lights and exotic, thrilling sounds. Our full-length windows reaching the ceiling (which is not that high by the way) may have always been my favourite part of this apartment. Wonder what took me so long to realise this...?

There's a lot that took a long time for realisation.

Yes, true. Like the fact that I am just falling harder for Felix with every passing day? The truth is hard and scary to accept. I haven't exactly understood or given into my feelings completely, but something tells me that I will soon enough.

Isn't it impossible to think of a life without Felix, now? Isn't he the one that keeps you sane and the thought of him, gets you through the day. The sight of him just absolutely lights up your heart?

And he's also the one who appears in my dreams. Smiling at me as he sits in a meadow amongst the bright yellow and pink flowers. His features, glowing like a deity under the warm sunlight.

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu