When It's June

97 4 28

Felix Alexander's POV

June is a pretty smooth driver. I'll have to appreciate her as always. We enter the parking lot of a luxurious apartments complex and she decides to drive down into the even lower floor for parking the car.

"Do you usually park this low? I mean, I saw plenty of space above" I comment.

"I have a reserved spot... sort of reserved. I always park there. The above floor is too crowded, plus visitors park their cars over there too majority of the time, and I would hate to see a scratch on my car which I have bought from my blood, sweat and hard work" she answers.

She parks the car on what is her usual spot and we step outside.

"The elevator's there" she motions with her extended arm, without even looking above as she stuffs her car keys inside her handbag.

Elevator and your senior Doctor by your side has always been an enormously uncomfortable event for me. I don't like it at all. Even she is not an exception. Wait, Felix. Why would 'she' ever be an exception in the first place?

I don't have the answer to my brain's question right now. All I can feel is the churning inside my stomach which is begging me to feed it something. I just hope that it doesn't start growling horribly or I will feel the worst first-hand embarrassment that I have experienced in years, maybe.
June's apartment is quite high up. On the 7th floor, that is just one floor beneath the top floor. Pretty impressive, I must say. The door is well-polished wood and the lock outside is her fingerprint. What is this? Batman's cave? 007's secret lair? My own apartment has a key. Most apartments either have a key-card, or a simple key. This is next level security right there.

When we enter, I begin to wonder that what exactly is she trying to protect? The apartment is just... so minimalistic. I don't see any expensive decoration pieces, no indescribable paintings, no stag heads (I'm genuinely happy because of this one, because I stand against animal cruelty) as well. I can basically pass the remark, that her house is very open, in concept and extremely clean of junk. Yes, there's an impressive picture wall though. It boasts June's photographs with various famous Doctors and Scientists at various events, from all around the world. Right at the front of the picture wall, are gigantic windows that show the city of Boston beneath us. A small stylish fireplace rests with the wall at the far right of the room and pearl white sofas lay facing it.

The entire colour scheme of June's apartment is white, accompanied by various shades of brown. It is very soothing to the eyes, in conclusion. To the left, is the kitchen. You have to climb two steps, in order to get to it. These graceful marble steps separate the lounge and kitchen in a way. Right next to the kitchen is the dining room, since this is a pretty open concept, you can see every room easily and there are hardly any doors.

"There's a bathroom, you can freshen up" June asks me. I notice the wooden door on the right end, it must be the bathroom. I nod towards her. Place my case files on the coffee table, placed in between the sofas and the fireplace and then head towards the bathroom.


When I'm back, June looks quite worried, standing in her kitchen with one hand tapping against the gray and white marble of the countertop and the other under her chin. She looks deep in thought.

"Is everything alright?" I ask her.

"I will not lie. It is not" she answers shortly.

"Why? Is there no food?" I chuckle jokingly.

"Precisely" she replies.

Oh... wow.

"That's alright. We can cook right now!" I don't know why I sound happy, because from the inside I'm not glad at all that my hungry, beasty belly would have to wait even more to attain something substantial to eat!

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