Dinner Together

75 5 14

Felix Alexander's POV

I'm not exactly happy with how Dr. Carrick approached Aurora with a job. Getting recruitment offers on the road is never legit according to me. Anyhow, I can't interfere in her matters.

"Gone to heaven, have we?" June gets my attention back to the patient's file that all of us were supposed to study, so that we could reach a collective diagnosis for her.

I zoned out pretty bad.

There is a knock on the door. Ramsey permits them to come in. Harper Emery stands before us.

"A word, Dr. Ramsey?" she asks.

Ramsey quickly follows her out.

"Aww, are they planning their date for tonight?" Baz cups his cheeks and begins fanboying over how 'cute' Ramsey and Emery look together.

"Jesus, Baz! Get a grip. This ain't no shipping blog over here, where you'll express all your fairytale fantasies" June rolls her eyes disgustedly.

Baz doesn't care. He keeps doing what he was doing before. Instead of giving them further attention, I dive into the patient's file, covering up for my previous zoning out debacle.

Though, could this be about the Hospital's budget? I couldn't see Dr. Emery's face for too long to tell if that was it.

"Have you seen her symptom of constant abdominal pain?" June asks me.

"Er, yes. I did. Was currently trying to link it up to other issues that have been going on" I hesitantly say, running a hand through my hair.

"Here, let's see..." and to my surprise, she scoots closer and holds my file "What? I am not stealing it. Just put it on the table so that we can talk".

I robotically follow her command while Baz yawns pretty hard.

"Imma go, get some coffee. You guys want?" he stands up and tries to read our faces.

"No, thanks" June and I reply in unison.

Baz chuckles "O...kay, then!". He trots away, humming to himself.

"Good. Now that the nuisance is gone... we can focus. Don't try to prove me wrong, Alexander" June gives me a hard glare, before studying the file again.

Everything goes fine for a few minutes, we discuss the symptoms and other details pretty well. But then, I realise that how close we are sitting to one another. Shyly, I move my chair a little farther from her. She's too busy that she doesn't even notice me doing that.

When Baz and Ramsey return almost at the same time, June and I have already made the diagnosis.

"Very well done, we'll still go through with it once more" Ramsey praises us.

"Your Rookie is not that bad, man" Baz literally gets up and punches my shoulder playfully.

June groans.


"How about I make lasagna tonight?" Sienna asks.

The entire room jumps up with glee.

"I haven't had it in like... forever!" Elijah excitedly punches the air.

"How about you invite or take some afterwards for Phoebe?" Sienna smirks and Elijah flushes red, immediately.

"I-I may pack some and take it to her afterwards" he scratches his neck looking all sweet and shy.

"Tell me what you need us to do" Jackie asks.

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