What We Have (The Finale)

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Felix Alexander's POV

Sienna and I are sitting across from each other on the table and I'd be lying if I said that I am not anxious. Well, yes, I am. But it is not that bad kind of anxious. It is the good anxious. The excited anxious.

She raises her gaze from her cup of cappuccino and meets my eyes, which were glued to her all this while "So, it is important that we discuss these kind of things"

"Of course. I wanted to do it too, so you know, we'd know how we wanna go with this relationship, what pace we should be having and what we both want and don't"

She smiles heartily and takes hold of my hand, which lay on the table "I'm so glad to have you, Felix. I always wished for someone as understanding as you!"

I hold her hand tightly "Same here"

"So, sex is..." she blushes slightly, because she said 'sex' out loud. It is so damn cute.

"Is important in any relationship, but I hope you agree that it doesn't have to be everything, or worse; the base of a relationship"

"Exactly. A relationship is much more than just physical love-making" I nod.

"I-I wanna take it slow with you. I don't want us to have that mini spark of the early honeymoon days and then nothing" she sounds unusually horrified.

"Hey..." I now hold her hand in both of mine and bring it close to my lips, planting a soft kiss on her knuckles "We won't burn out, because our relationship has always been built on genuine emotions, and I absolutely respect your decision of taking things slow. I want what you want!"

She smiles momentarily, but looks unsure again "I don't want to force things on you, Felix. I don't want to make you unhappy"

"And you are not! You won't! I am not with you because of-of sex or anything. I am with you, because you are special to me" and I'm in love with you.

I want to say it to her, but I don't want to spook her with those three words. I don't want her to feel obligated towards me, that just because I told her that I love her, then she has to say it too.

I know her too well. No matter how many times I tell her, that she does not have to reciprocate with the same intensity, she would still feel like she should and I would hate to make her go through that.

"Thanks for saying that, Felix" she smiles and I lovingly kiss the back of her hand.


Back home, our friends are all watching a movie. To our pleasant surprise, Bryce and Rafael are here too. Both of them give me tight hugs before offering to help Sienna and I with setting up the groceries.

"It's been so long since we all met and had fun together!" says Bryce.

"Right! I missed us all being with each other and enjoying" Elijah chimes in excitedly.

Bryce snorts "C'mon buddy. You've been too busy with the love of your life. I hardly think you even thought of us poor people"

All of us join in the laughter, while Elijah denies it being the case "I swear, Phoebe and you guys have entirely different spots in my heart"

"It's okay, Elijah. We know that she has your entire heart and all of us are maybe stuffed inside an artery of yours, on the side" Jackie chuckles.

"Well, then you guys should know that if an artery is blocked, then the entire heart becomes useless. Which means that, I am pretty darn useless without my friends who live in my arteries!" replies Elijah.

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ