Back Where We Belong

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Felix Alexander's POV:

Jackie pulls our latest re-addition in her arms.

"I missed you more than I thought... actually, you are the only one I missed" Jackie kisses her cheeks, along with the words of affection that sound very unlike her.

"Missed you too, Jackie" she is referring to her, but her eyes are stuck on me. Yes, me.

She eyes me up and down. She doesn't even do it secretly or anything. Does she want me to know that she checked me out?


She's just shocked to see my changed appearance.

"Looking good, Sienna" Elijah shakes hands with her first and then she leans to embrace him, planting a sweet kiss on his head.

"You guys all look great too!" she flushes, looking around her, her eyes stopping at me once more.

"Hey..." she says. She initiated.

"Hi..." I wanted to say it with a smile, but somehow my face remained extremely dead of any emotion. On the inside, maybe that's what I wish I felt. Dead of all emotions. However, I am both, desperate for something upon seeing her, as well as in pain.

Uh... It's complicated!

"How was your clan?" asks Jackie.

"All great! My sis was back from New York as well, so it was double, triple the fun" she chuckles.

"You sure have gained a bit of weight from all that fun you had" Jackie winks.

Sienna eyes herself and nods in agreement "Can't deny. When you belong to a family of foodies, when Dad has a restaurant, Mom is the best home-cook in the world and sister is becoming a professional chef, then gaining weight is a must! I swear... the amount of exotic dishes she made me eat..." and she exaggeratedly licks her lips.

"You are lucky, well now you'll have to re-adjust to the take-out food and other inedible stuff that will be made by us" Aurora shrugs.

"You haven't even eaten the food we make, roomie. Isn't it a very early judgement?" Jackie shoots.

"Exactly, you came home yesterday and are too lazy to cook" Aurora replies calmly.

"Well then, you could have cooked" Oh God, No.

"Can we skip the argument part now?" I literally in between the two glaring women.

"Wow! Should I expect bloodbath next?" Sienna's sarcastic comment makes them look in opposite directions. I have no idea that if they wanna kiss each other or kill each other?!

"We have pizza. Pepperoni. Want it?" I ask as I reach for her suitcase.

"Hey, it's okay. I got it and sure, I'd take a slice" she stops me from helping her out and awkwardly looks at the floor.

"Right, sure..." I give an equally awkward answer and step away.


"Morning, Dr. Alexander. The white coat looks even better on you" Dr. Ines Delarosa is a delight as always. Wish I could say the same about Dr. Zaid Mirani, who is sulking while burning holes in the clipboard that he's looking at.

"We are getting late, we need to introduce these dumb heads to their even dumber interns" he calls out to Ines.

"Why is he acting that way?" I whisper to Ines. She shakes her head apologetically.

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦Where stories live. Discover now