I Adore You

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Felix Alexander's POV

Sienna places her pillow right next to mine and lays down very comfortably. I don't know what to do now. Do I stay close? Do I keep a little gap in between us? Well, she asked you to hold her, didn't she? So just do it then! While cuddling people, there is not too much gap in between the bodies.

I clear my throat a bit uneasily and lay down next to her. Suddenly, it all feels relaxed and calm. My heartbeat is regulating itself too and it seems like I probably will not embarrass myself!

I close my eyes and turn to my side. Please don't be looking at me. Please don't be looking... at... me.

She is looking right at me!

The only light in the room is coming from the window behind her. The moonlight. It is cool and soothing, but also quite mysteriously romantic. It casts a fine glow behind her head, makes me feel like it's an angelic halo. She is not smiling, but neither is she frowning. Is she even okay with me? Never hurts to ask.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, what makes you think otherwise?"

I gulp. What makes me? I don't know, really.

I get closer to her. Is she not going to turn around? One usually cuddles from the back, don't they? Perhaps not. I lack experience.

I place my hand, very gently on her waist. From her waist, my hand travels up her back and rests a little below where I believe her bra strap would be. Is it the right way to describe it? I don't know yet again.

I pat her back in a slow and sweet rhythm. She closes her eyes at my touch, which is relieving. I realize that we are still quite distant from each other, but maybe this distance is fine. I don't want to scare her. Thus, I continue patting her back and silently keep praising her beautiful features. Her eyes are beautiful and they deserve every bit of praise, but I would say that they are not my favourite part of her. I have heard and even read many cliché writings and people are always praising the eyes of their love interests, stating that they are the mirror to their hearts and true emotions.

I don't know... perhaps I'm not that great at reading eyes, that's why I'm not attracted to them. The thing I love the most about her is something that may seem alien to many.

I absolutely love her voice.

Good Felix, a better way of saying that you like her vocal chords!

Say whatever, my dumb brain, but I love her voice. I think that the emotions and happiness or pain the voice holds and conveys is something the eyes can never do.

I knew from the first day that I could hear her talk for an eternity and never tire. Sienna always speaks in a kind, slow but not painfully slow manner and a very gentle tone. Once you hear her talk, you'd know that you will always be treated nicely by this woman, that you can basically trust this woman. I take a long time in trusting people, thanks to all the events that have taken place in my past, but she cast a spell on me. The way that she came to my rescue on my very first day, and the way that she reassured me that she would stick with me... I was hers from the very day.

I never believed in 'love at first sight' concept and never will because I feel that you can only find sexual attraction by one look in someone's direction, it can never be love but I have come to feel that the first impression can surely lead you to an entire lifetime of love.

She had such a strong first impression on me, that I couldn't help but want more of her!

She opens her eyes, it makes my heart skip a beat... out of fear this time. I was honestly caught my surprise.

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