I've Always Loved You

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Felix Alexander's POV

I am rather dizzy at the moment and it is hard to describe whatever is going on. I'm sure that they are people I know, but I can't name or recognise them. There voices are all the same as well.

My eyes close once more and those harsh lights and unrecognisable people disappear from view.


When I open my eyes this time, things are painful. My head hurts and my eyes are heavier than they have ever been. It feels like a bad hangover. That's the only comparison that I can make. I'm sure I hear a voice calling my name, but I am unable to respond and a stabbing pain in my chest takes over.

My name's being called but yet again, I find myself falling back into the darkness.


When I wake up. Everything just seems like it should be. What has happened? How long have I been out? Did I even wake up before? I remember nothing.

And then, I hear the soft breathing of someone quite near me. I avert my gaze to the source of the breathing, or is it soft snoring?


Am I sure though?

Is she really sitting right beside my bed, with her arms placed on the mattress and her head resting over them? Am I actually sure?

I think I am, because she slowly turns her head in my direction and I see her face. She's actually asleep.

And just like that, I jinxed it and her eyes slowly open. She smiles at me dreamily.

"Hey..." she says in an equally dreamy, but happy tone.

"Hi..." I reply, feeling confused on what else to do.

All she has to do is hear me and she sits right up, as if hit my lightening. Her eyes widen and her mouth falls open.

"You're actually awake!" she gasps with shock.

I keep on staring at her and suddenly, she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me in a desperate embrace.

"Oh, thank God..." she whispers quietly to herself.

I just let her hug me. I wish to return the gesture, but my arms are still a little numb.

When she let's go, she immediately asks me "Does it hurt? What are you feeling?"

For the first time, I actually think of if it actually does hurt somewhere. Not really, no. My body only feels a bit numb.

"It doesn't hurt anywhere. I'm just a little numb, that's all"

She eyes me up and down, carefully "The entire body?"

"My arms and legs for now" I reply.

"Try moving your arms slowly. It may be because you've been laying rather motionless from a while"

"How much time do you mean by 'a while'?" I ask, feeling worried.

She hesitates to answer.

"Tell me" I plead.

"Three days"

She can't be serious. Is she?

"I wasn't up for three days?"

"No, you came to your senses a couple of times. You even talked to us. You even told us that if it hurt somewhere, but then you passed out again" Sienna tells me and her hand rests on my shoulder.

Open Heart : MC X Sienna ¦Book 2¦Where stories live. Discover now