And The Date Continues...

56 4 33

Felix Alexander's POV

I avoid the lump that has formed in my throat and take a long sip from my wine glass. I had turned a blind eye to actual facts for so long. How could I ever assume that Sienna would want to continue working at Edenbrook after our residencies finished. Of course, she would want to go to an even better Hospital! Didn't Aurora quit Edenbrook because not only does Mass Kenmore pay her a bit more, but she also escaped from the tall shadow of her Aunt, Dr. Harper Emery.

Why wouldn't Sienna want to explore her options? Why won't she want to see a new Hospital? Why won't she want to see a new city? Why won't she want to see a new coun... alright, I'm officially overthinking now.

The server brings us our first course. Sienna and I ordered a salad, while Mr. Trinh ordered onion soup.

"Alright, I'll say grace since I was here first..." I hear Mr. Trinh clear his throat and stop mid-way of reaching for my fork. I look up at him through my lashes, feeling my cheeks burning hot and he is (as expected) giving me a judgemental look.

"Dad, it's highly unnecessary. I mean, we've had the wine already-"

"So what? The food is the main thing and if I say we say grace, then we say grace" Mr. Trinh replies to his worried daughter.

Sienna knows I'm not religious, that's why she was trying to not make me feel uncomfortable... I am grateful for the caring gesture.

I steady myself properly for the grace and Mr. Trinh begins.

I think I only paid attention for the first 20 seconds and then, I just partially zoned out, much like how I did during my Math lectures in High School.

"... And we are here in your service. Guide these foolish and idiotic young children" he prays. I hear Sienna hiss at him, obviously asking him to end it, as things are getting extremely dragged and uncomfortable, but Mr. Trinh goes on and on... and on.

After what was probably the longest grace of my entire life, we dig into the food. Gladly, it is still crisp and tasty for us and quite hot for Mr. Trinh.

"Don't they thank the Lord before they eat from where you come from?" Mr. Trinh grunts unhappily.

I finish the food that's in my mouth and then answer "My family is not quite religious. Although we do say grace on special occasions, like birthday dinners, thanksgiving and Christmas"

"Did you say grace before cutting the birthday cake?" he chuckles sarcastically.

"I never had birthday parties and neither did my Mother. Birthdays were a quiet event for us. Well, we didn't really have any family or close friends to invite home, then we didn't have a decent home too, in my early teen years and we also didn't have too much money to spend on extravagant parties, food or gifts" after finishing, I feel like I have revealed too much.

"That's quite unfortunate. I respect your Mother for working so hard for you" he says. Was it the first thing nice that he has said to me this entire afternoon? Maybe. And that is also about my Mother though, not me.

"Thank you" I say in return.

And as if taken over by another soul, Mr. Trinh is back being his normal loud self "And that is why I tell you kids to focus on earning money. You, Felix, should be more money minded, if you gotta give a better life to that hard working old woman of yours back home"

I just silently nod. It seems useless to deny... and by the way, my Mom is not an old woman at all. She's just near her mid-forties!


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