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At around 5pm Alex came over to the girls house to spend some time with Perrie after training.

"Hey baby," Perrie said opening the door for him and allowing him into the house.

"Hey," he replied before placing a kiss on her lips. "So are you gonna tell me what that whole instagram post was about?" Alex said when they both cuddled up onto the couch and put some netflix on.

"Trent just being annoying," Perrie said.

"What has he done now?"

"He came over here trying to talk to Mia but I wouldn't let him inside. He doesn't deserve her time," Perrie sighed not wanting to talk about him anymore than she had to.

"What did he say to you?"

"Just that he was sorry and that he wanted to see her point of view of the whole situation."

"And you didn't let him?" Alex asked quite taken aback by what Perrie had done.

"No. Why should I he broke my little sister. He's not coming anywhere near her."

"Yeah but imagine if it was us and we had got into an argument and Mia stopped me from talking to you. How would you feel that she did that without consoling me first?"

"Why is it always imagine us in that situation. We're not in that situation. Can we just not talk about this. I wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend," Perrie asked.

"Sure. Okay. Do you want some tea?" Alex asked getting up off the couch.

"Yes please."

Alex walked into the kitchen and got two mugs out and boiled the kettle. He made both him and Perrie a cup of tea before walking over to the bin to throw the tea bag away.

He opened the bin before noticing a peice of paper laying on the top with Mia's name scribbled on it.

He picked it up before putting it in his pocket and carrying the drinks into the living room.

"Thank you," Perrie replied taking the cup out of Alex's hands.

"You're welcome. I'm just gonna go check on Mia."

"She won't talk to you," Perrie said as she blew her tea and rolled her eyes.

"I'm just gonna check."

Alex walked up the stairs up to Mia's bedroom before knocking on the door.

"Mia its Alex. Can I come in?" he asked quietly.

"Go away please," Mia shouted back.

"Come on Mia. It's me."

"I don't care. I don't wanna talk to anyone right now."

"Please I need to tell you something. It's about Trent."

As soon as Mia heard Trent's name she went quiet. What if something was wrong? Was he okay? Did something happen?

She slowly opened the door, the light hurting her eyes after being locked up in her bedroom for so long. She looked up at Alex and noticed the letter in his hands.

"What's that. Is he okay?" Mia asked hoping something bad didn't happen.

"Not really. I mean physically he is but mentally not really. He misses you alot. He even came by today but Perrie wouldn't let him see you. I think he left you this," Alex said as he handed her the letter.

"Where was it?" Mia asked.

"I think Perrie threw it in the bin."

"Well thank you Alex. Really," Mia said on the verge of tears that he was just a few metres away from her but she didn't get to see him.

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