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As Trent came downstairs after the shower, Mia took the brownies out of the oven and let them cool down on the kitchen side.

"They smell good," said Trent as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah well don't to-"

But it was too late as Trent had gone to pick a peice up but burn himself instead.

"They just came our of the oven. They're still hot!" shouted Mia running Trent's hand under the tap with cold water on.

"Your so stupid," she said as she gave him a towel to dry his hands.

"Yeah, why don't we watch some netflix while they cool down."

"Yeah that might be a good idea."

They both made their way into the living room and Mia got some blankets before sitting down and watching some netflix.

During the movie Mia took Trent's arm and wrapped it around her shoulder snuggling closer into his chest as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Hey can I tell you something?" asked Trent. Mia could sence a bit of nervousness in his voice.

Mia turned to look at him, scared about what he was going to say.

"Yeah of course," she replied.


He turned to face her, staring into those beautiful brown eyes.

"So we've been spending the last few days together and I think your an amazing girl. You're beautiful, kind, funny and you deserve the world. I really like you, Mia. Like alot. And I understand if you don't like me back but I just need to know because if not then i-"

However the girl cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"I like you too."

"Wait really."

Mia didn't say anything she just hid her face in his chest hoping he wouldn't see her blush.

A huge smile spread across his face knowing that the girl he liked reciprocated his feelings.

Trent kissed her head before wrapping his arms around her waist as they watched the rest of the movie.

Once it had finished Trent picked out another movie as Mia went to get some brownie.

"Trent do you want some ice cream of something with it?" she asked.

"No thanks. I can't have too much sugar for training for the match against Tottenham."

She nodded her head before walking into the kitchen and getting out two bowls to put the food in.

Once she had put everything back away, she walked into the living room to see Trent had already picked out another film.

"So, are you excited for the match?" asked Mia as Trent tucked in to his brownie.

"I guess. We just really need the points. But enough talk about football I have to worry about that all next week so let's just relax."

They both spent the rest of the night just chatting away laughing, talking sometimes kissing.

At around 8pm Trent got up to get ready to leave but Mia stopped him before he could.

"Trent ermm. Perrie is spending the weekend at Alex's place. Do you maybe wanna stay here? I mean you dont have to if you have plans or just dont want to," she said hoping he would say yes.

"Yeah I'd love to but I do have training tomorrow," he warned the girl.

"That's fine," Mia replied with a chuckle.

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