Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Lux’s Point of View

After closing my eyes briefly for a moment I took a deep breath and opened them, looking down at the pregnancy test lying on the counter. Blair stared at me while I picked it up with shaking hands. It felt like my heart was going to fly out of my chest cavity it was beating so hard. Blair cleared her throat startling me and causing me to look at her.

“Well, what does it say?” Blair asked, looking at me impatiently through the mirror. I glanced down at the test again. I can’t believe I am even taking a pregnancy test. I’m seventeen years old. This isn’t something I should be worrying about for a few years, like after college. My parents would be so disappointed in me. I guess it’s a good thing they aren’t here anymore. Then again if they were, would I still be standing here about to find out if Chuck and I our going to be parents? Is he even capable of taking care of someone other than himself? Am I?

“I’m not pregnant. I command myself not to be pregnant.” I breathed out looking confidently into the mirror. As if it would make a difference. Blair shot me a look and I knew it really was now or never. My eyes flitted to the test as my heartrate rose tremendously. The pounding in my ears drowning everything else out…

“Oh my god.” I said, looking up at Blair. I held the test up revealing a single blue bar. A smile crept onto my face as Blair snatched the test out of my hand and looked back at me shrieking.

“You’re not pregnant!” Blair practically shouted. I had to tell her to shut up before Eleanor came barging into the bathroom to see what all the commotion was about.

“I’m not pregnant.” I breathed out again, feeling the cool relief washing over me. It was a false alarm. I rested my head against the wall for a moment letting the shock of it all sink in. Blair and I smiled before she pulled me into a hug. As we broke apart I knew I needed to call Serena and let her know the amazingly wonderful news I’d just received. I picked up my phone and hit two on the speed dial, Blair obviously being number one.

“Hey S. It’s me.” I said once the phone stopped ringing and I could hear her breathing on the other end.

“Hey.” She replied. I’m actually surprised she even answered my call at all. I put my phone on speaker so Blair could stop leaning into my ear to hear the conversation.

“Two things…One I’m sorry. About Dan, and the Gossip Girl blast going viral. I know you were just being a friend and were clearly worried about me.” I confessed to her.

“I understand. Apology accepted. I shouldn’t have gone to Chuck without you too. So we’re even.” Serena replied as she walked down what sounded like the sidewalk, the sounds of traffic filling the silence between our sentences.

“Really? I so would have made her work for that more!” Blair chimed in with her two cents. I glared at her through the mirror as she primped and fluffed out her hair, which reminded me we still had to get ready for school.

“Blair’s here too.” I said, laughing and shaking my head.

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