"Thank you," she smiled.

He nodded his head and the two left the Soleil Palace and slowly made their way to the tree of Yggdrasil. Though it was situated right behind the Purple Leo Tower and the Royal Harem, the Royal Palace was a vast place that had become comparable in size to that of the Forbidden City. But, even from here, they could feel the cool breeze from its enchanted leaves, filling the air with rich amounts of magoi. Breathing in the open air, she gazed up at the sky with a content smile. Seeing her smile, Masrur smiled as well.

"The weather's truly pleasant today, isn't it?" she said, her face radiant like the sun above.

"Mn," he nodded his head.

She smiled, knowing that he was a person of few words. But, she also knew that despite that, he was a person who enjoyed being in conversation with others. It was simply that he wasn't able to convey his words correctly and hence, the reason why he rarely spoke.

"Thank you," she said. "For being my guard."

He parted his lips and answered. "There's no need to."

She gazed ahead. "Does Masrur like being my guard?"

He glanced down at her with wide eyes and seeing her nonchalant expression, he pursed his lips. She could've asked anyone to be her guard. In fact, with Kaede, Kuugen, Tomoyo, and Wu Kong, there was no need for him to be present. Yet, she had allowed him to stay and even made him one of her retainers. The only reason why he was able to stay by her side was that he had the good fortune of having met her and her retainers and having been picked by Sinbad to act as her guard. If not for that, then...

"I like Masrur," she said.

He widened his eyes.

She stared up at him with a warm gaze and gentle smile and grinned. "There isn't a better guard I would ask for!"

He stared at her. "Even though I don't speak much?" he asked before quickly covering his mouth, the words having accidentally slipped from his lips.

She smiled. "A gesture can speak a thousand words."

He parted his lips.

"Even if you're someone with few words, you're always attending to me and protecting me. Not to mention, you always willingly listen to me talk," she chuckled. "I couldn't ask for a better companion and friend."


His heart stung at that word and yet, at the same time, he felt a sense of belonging; as if he was truly a part of them and not someone that had just happened to be at the right place and at the right time. Gulping, he gripped the handle of the parasol and looked down at her, a soft smile upon his lips.

"I like guarding you as well," he said. "Lucy."

She widened her eyes upon seeing his smile and seeing him smile so, she smiled.

"I see," she grinned. "I'm glad to hear that."

The two continued walking towards Yggdrasil with Lucy talking and recounting what had happened in the past week during the times he had been out training. Every now and then, he would crack a laugh at either Kuugen's ingenious or how Tomoyo and Wu Kong bullied Sinbad. Seeing him laugh, there was nothing more that pleased her more.

"I heard from Kaede that your sword skills have been improving quite well," she said. "If you need more time to train or even a vacation, don't hesitate to ask. After all, it's good to improve but don't push yourself over the limit. There's a limit to how much the human body can take."

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