" Saw them earlier. Probably out for major business nothing to worry about. " Alex acknowledged giving me the same answer.

" Alright, thanks! "

" No problem " Alex waved off before starting to head away before giving me information on where to find Alessandro.

I motioned over to their table accepting the cold sets of eyes staring at me as I walked over to the junior's table. The number of stares I received made my stomach flip into a summersault, the bad ones.
I wasn't precisely sure if it was just me or that everyone immediately quieted down.
I was beginning to phase out only listening to the sound of my boots hitting the shiny tiered floor. Let's not forget about the whispers that were being heard.
In a split second, I'm back. Turned out in fact my mind was playing with me creating scenarios making me feel more anxious than I already am.

" Hi, I hope it wouldn't bother you guys if I stole Alessandro for a moment. "

" Of course!  " A girl that had beautiful stars placed on her cheeks, you know freckles, gleamed at me.

I call them stars, well, that's what Aaron used to call them for me to feel satisfied with mine.

Alessandro was pretty hesitant, he wasn't expecting me to pop up at school and want to talk to him, let alone at their table.

" Is everything okay? What did he do? " Alessandro freaked out causing me to do so.

" What? Who? Wait, no, you got it all wrong. "

" I'm sorry " I blurted what was weighing my chest since the moment I realized I let my thoughts get to me and allow me to affect others negatively. Not giving him a chance to speak before I spoke what had to be spoken.

" I'm sorry for not accepting your apology. I'm sorry for not allowing you to express yourself and mostly I'm sorry for letting me think that you were trying to hurt me when your intentions were good. "

" You apologize too much " was the only reply I got from him and of course he was mocking me.

" Are you sure you're not Alex? Cause I'm sure that isn't what Alessandro would've replied to a sincere apology. "

" well then, if you know Alessandro that much you would've known that his reply would be something along the lines of that he is the one that should be sorry and that he misses you. "

" I miss you too " and with that, I felt that I can begin the journey that was yet to begin letting go of the person I was and discovering the person I am today.

Class by class passed and what was left was none other than the race out of the halls. The girls accompanied me as we rushed to our lockers promising we'd meet back at mine to leave the school building together.
The first minute passed they're still not here the second was nearly passing when they showed up.
" I was about to doubt that you guys were coming. Thought you'd ditch me or something. "
" I tried to pop that idea to Melanie, but she decided to ruin the fun " Amelia laughed at the both of us, but I knew exactly how to walk out of it.
" party pooper as usual. " I nudged Melanie allowing her to pout with a sly smile creating Amelia's face.

I guess it's going pretty well.

By the car were Tyler, Blake, Seth and a bruised looking Alec. All of the boys didn't look themselves today.
Was this what they called major business?
Seth was the usual, but with a bandaid over his right eyebrow. Blake looked off as well which wasn't quite like him. Alec had a bruised eye, a split lip looking dosed off while the others were engaged in a discussion.
No reaction came from the girls either they knew what happened or they're used to seeing them like this.

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