Start from the beginning

"Yes, class."

· · ─────── ϟ ─────── · ·

Olivia took her time packing away her things back into her bag. Not only was it because she was in pain still, but she was also stalling. Stalling because she wanted to talk to McGonagall. If Dumbledore wasn't going to tell her anything, then she'd go to the next best person.

Her supposed aunt.

Marlene sent her a questioning look; she was her desk partner in Transfiguration.

"I'll be a minute, I wanna speak to aunt Minnie."

"I'll wait for you outside; you're not getting away with not coming to the library with me." Marlene pointed her accusing finger at Olivia before she walked out of the classroom.

"Alright." Olivia grinned. She left her bag on her desk as she walked to the front of the classroom.

"Miss King, what can I do for you?" McGonagall didn't look up from her desk.

"I wanted to know when the Order is meeting." Olivia had a determined look on her face, she wasn't leaving without an answer, a proper answer.

"You know I can't give you the answer—"

"It's been a month! Surely you would have had a meeting by now! This is just getting ridiculous. It's like you guys don't even want to meet." The stress was appearing on her face.

"Miss King, I understand what you're going through."

"No. No one understands." Olivia had to bite her tongue from screaming out. She turned her back to the professor and headed to the door grabbing her bag on her way out.


She paused in the doorway and looked at McGonagall.

"As soon as I knew when a meeting was, I'd find you straight away."

She nodded her head. It seemed that was going to be the best answer she would get.

As promised, she found Marlene leaning against the wall waiting for her appearance and when she did, Marlene hooked her arm through Olivia's and pulled her along to the library.

Olivia's eyebrows furrowed together as they entered the quiet room. "Why are we here again?"

"Because I wanted some books." Marlene avoided her gaze as she walked through the aisles.

When she found the aisle she was looking for, she began pulling out books, only she was looking through the gaps instead of looking at the books.

Oblivious, Olivia pulled out a book and looked at the title.

Magical Beasts and their powerful poop properties.

She made a face of disgust and turned to Marlene. "Why are we looking in the poop section?"

But Marlene took no notice. She was too busy ogling at something or someone.

Olivia followed Marlene's eyesight and manoeuvred the books in front of her. With her head poking through the shelf she could see exactly who Marlene was staring at.

It was only her father.

She pulled back, a wide grin on her face. "Marlene McKinnon. Did you drag me here so you could stare at Sebastian King all lovey-dovey?"

"I do not stare all lovey-dovey." Marlene reeled back. "Its...affectionately."

"It's more like, marry me eyes. But whatever." Olivia grinned.

She couldn't have been more excited. She was going to witness her parents fall in love. She'd always ask her dad when she was younger all about it. But as always, he would say nothing.

"Marlene and Sebastian sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love—" Olivia sung, only for Marlene to quickly cover her mouth with her hand.

"Would you shut it?" She poked her head out to see Sebastian still looking at the book he was reading sat at the desk.

"Sorry. This is just to fun. Have you guys even spoken?"

"Um, no." Marlene blushed.

"Well, go on then! Make your make!" Olivia gave her a slight nudge.

"No way! That's Sebastian King! I know I shouldn't like him, considering he's meant to be, one of them, but I can't resist. Plus, he'd never like me back." Marlene's eyes kept worriedly flicking from Sebastian to Olivia.

"You never know until you try." Olivia shrugged. "Also, who could resist you? Any guy would be lucky to date you."

"Thanks, McGonagall. But not today."

Marlene walked ahead of the girl, this time instead choosing to walk past Sebastian. But Olivia had other plans. She'd get her parents speaking one way or another.

As Marlene passed Sebastian's aisle, Olivia quickly pulled out her wand and aimed it at Marlene. "Locomotor wibbly."

Marlene's legs went weak as she fell to the floor and let out a surprised squeak. The noise grabbed Sebastian's attention to the girl on the floor and the girl jumping over her running out of the library laughing manically.

"You're welcome!" Olivia exclaimed between her laughs.

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AN: Not me being a fucking idiot and putting the wrong year for the chapters. So, all the notifications you get for the chapters being updated is just me changing the dates. No new plots have been added, just changes of dates.

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