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"We must perform a blood oath."

"Are you serious?" Olivia couldn't help but laugh.

"No, I am." Sirius retorted.

"HA, very funny." Olivia's tone dripped with sarcasm.

"In all honesty, all it consists of, is giving you a nickname." Peter told her the truth.

"I was being completely serious about the blood oath."

"Shut up," Remus shoved James in the shoulder. "We've already got the perfect name for you." Remus said. "Lunar."

"I love it." She grinned.

But then that soon turned into a scream of pain as she began to feel her bones break and shift. Remus felt the exact same and the Animagus' immediately transformed. Her back arched as her spine changed shape.

It was excruciating. And soon Olivia would not be present, only the wolf, newly nicknamed to Lunar.

She fell onto all fours as the last of the pain ended. Her fur was a mix of blonde and brown, whereas Remus was a brown.

Padfoot took a protective stance, watching the two wolves stare at each other. Wormtail was standing on Prongs head, away from the danger that they were sure was to ensue.

Moony growled, whereas Lunar dropped down to her belly and whined. Lunar knew who Moony was and was used to the wolf's company, but it seemed Moony did not know who she was.

Moony kept growling as Lunar slowly crawled towards him. She showed him submission, he was the Alpha, she was not.


His growling stopped, and his head tilted as he studied the female wolf before him. He padded over to her. With her head bowed, she raised herself onto all four legs.

What surprised all of them, was that the wolves' muzzles went into each other's necks as if they were hugging.

To the boy's surprise, the two wolves were comfortable with each other. Lunar yipped playfully before she ran around the room with Moony following behind her.

· · ─────── ϟ ─────── · ·

At exactly 5:51am the sun began to rise, bringing an end to the full moon. The night's adventures went extremely well, with barely any injuries. If there were any on the two werewolves it was because they went too far at playing.

Olivia shivered as she felt the air on her bare skin. One of the downsides to being a werewolf, she always ruining a lot of clothes.

A blanket was placed over her back, and she smiled seeing Sirius standing above her with a hand covering his eyes.

"I didn't see anything!" He promised.

"Just pass me my bag, will you?" She asked as she stood up, using the blanket as protection.

As soon as the bag was chucked her way, she limped around a corner and changed into a hoodie and some leggings. It would do until she could change after a very long sleep. She was relieved that it was a Wednesday, she had free periods until after lunch. Only then would she have to suffer.

Olivia was exhausted, she felt as if she could fall asleep standing up.

"Hop on, love."

Her eyes opened to find Sirius bent down with his back to her and his head looking at her over his shoulder.

Without needing any more persuasion, she jumped onto his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. He held onto her legs, making sure he wouldn't drop her as they walked through the tunnel.

When they made it to the front doors, James placed the invisibility cloak over the two, just to be safe. Himself and Peter would be fine without it.

Olivia's head rested against her arm. She was getting sleepy and would pass out any second. Her eyes kept fluttering closed.


"Cauda Draconis."

She could barely register as Peter announced the password to Gryffindor tower.

"We're here, Liv. Can you walk up to your dorm?" Sirius whispered to the girl, only to be met by silence.

"She's passed out, mate." James yawned. "If she's anything like Moony, you won't wake her anytime soon." He had taken the invisibility cloak off the two as soon as they made it to the empty common room.

They were lucky it was still empty, considering students were starting to wake up.

Sirius nodded his head and walked up the stairs to their dorm. Peter was already under the covers and James was just taking his glasses off.

Sirius sat down on his bed and gently laid Olivia down, but it was very hard to do considering she was clinging onto him and refusing to let go. No matter what he tried her arms managed to wrap around him again; his waist, his chest, an arm.

"Prongs, a little help?" He pleaded from his bed, with Olivia's arms wrapped once more around his neck.

"You're on your own, mate." James rolled over so that he was no longer facing Sirius.

"Brilliant." Sirius mumbled. He gave up trying to pry Olivia off of him when her head curled into his neck.

Instead he pulled the covers over them, deciding do worry about what to tell Olivia when they awoke.

She would be surprised for sure.

Kismet ⤖ Sirius Blackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن