Chapter 27 - The Battle of my Lifes

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It seemed that Freddy had taken the actual living being to the dream realm, a experience that I knew all to well. Pinhead did the same thing, releasing both our conscious bodies into the dimension. His powers here had been getting stronger like mine.

"Right! The bastard will pay!" I growled.

"Hold off until we get further information, I couldn't let you get hurt straight away."

"I'm not letting Strangelove's life on the line any further!" I snapped.

That might of been to loud, hearing a distance cackle, my ears perked up. Having my senses at the ready, the noise became a little louder and closer, until Chatterer had appeared into the light.

"Well then false alarm." I breathed out.

"So? What's with her human partner?" Pinhead asked.

Nothing much with Strangelove, just imagery torture of his past, still would be unbearable to hear and even imagine. I only knew small fragments of it, God only knows how much he's suffered. He knew majority of mine now, there was no need for any more to say.

"Cenobites will get Freddy, You get your human-"

"His name is Strangelove!" I corrected. "And who gets Hannibal?!"

"He won't fight, doesn't seem like the kind."

I shook my head, Hannibal would always be up for a fight, he's not a pacifist, a cold blooded killer out for revenge. Pinhead walked on, the spotlight didn't followed him, it was on my body, so I ran to catch up, with the light following behind. I assume Chatterer went to his area of attacks. The place was like an arena in a cave, or mineshaft. Depending on how you wanna reference it. I kneeled down by the edge looking down on Hannibal who was with Strangelove. Freddy wasn't here yet.

"Suppose you got a plan?" I asked.

"Charge and see what happens isn't it?"

"Like a typical war." I mumbled.

"The Auditor had suggested this."

I shuddered, briefly thinking about him. Clicking my fingers, browsing through all my illusions as possible. All I had to do was get Strangelove out from the chains, and possibly any obstacles against this. Freddy was bound to make illusions, and little creatures.

"Right in we go!" I decided, but got pulled back, Freddy had came into the arena now.

The two of them discussing on something, Chatterer was near the attacking zone now, having a few more copies of himself, and then Bound, the easiest Cenobites to create. Along with a few Stitches and Little Sister's.

"Bitch ain't in that world! She's here, and in true form. It'll be easy to hurt her, but we can't do that. Don't want that." Freddy informed Hannibal.

"Of course no harm, I don't intend to fight, just let the two of them go." Hannibal replied.

"Now we go!" Pinhead signalled.

I scrambled off to the right, opposite his direction. Sliding down the hill to landing at the bottom, watching the army of Cenobites charge into the place. Quiet demons, but someone had added the common battle cheering sound effect to the background. Turning myself invisible as Hannibal walked out.

"All yours dear I see you."

"Fuck you! For turning in on me!" I growled, slipping past him.

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Where stories live. Discover now