Chapter 46 - Operation Hurricane(s) Pt2

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The insight to the airport was rather gloomy. I stayed behind Turgidson taking in the sights. Mr Kubrick really had got this accurate. It was interesting to see it. Long corridors of black and white, and tall buildings around. I came across a window and looked out to see the runway, and the hangers of the planes. Exactly like the film.

"You're impressed?" Turgidson asked, coming back to the window.

"To how accurate it all is in the film yes!" I replied.

"Yeah it's weird how he knew it all."

"You guys weren't interviewed or something for the film, or even met the actors?" I wondered, because that would make total sense.

"Not from what I remember." The General replied.

We had to move on now. Something I would like to stay and watch, perhaps if I behaved myself I could see more of the airport and not just a few rooms. We didn't have much things like this in Britain. I mean I've been to airshows and have seen old war planes, but back then I wasn't interested. Huh, this film really has changed me, hasn't it?

I was to deep in thought, to walk into Turgidson who stopped, I looked around him to notice officers with different uniforms. Then of course the Group Captain, I gulped my ears burned a little.

"Yes, you will be facing the reality today, whether you like it or not." Hannibal spoke, I waved my hand by my ear, just so he would leave me be.

"When they opportunity comes I'll annoy them. Like I annoy all the British." He looked at me. "You're an exception."

"Gee thanks." I mumbled.

The General chuckled, continuing on with the stroll. We had made it to General Rippers office, I knew this part to all well. The little jazzy tune from the film, began playing in my head. If I got my timing right, but as much as I knew General Ripper and had a few encounters. That weren't the easiest or finest to remember, it had felt like a first time.

"You can wait out here if you want, but again it's your choice whatever makes you feel comfortable."

"Think I'll just stay close by, this place gives me the chills." I was more in likely going to wonder off, especially if the Coca Cola machine was down the corridor in plain sight.

General Turgidson knocked on the door, then when inside. I slipped in to, just stating behind and mostly out of sight. I snapped my fingers and went invisible for the time being.

"General Ripper." Turgidson began.

"Turgidson!" Ripper responded, having a harsh tone, as he looked up from his newspaper.

It was some kind of annual report, I hadn't payed much attention. I just looked at every inch of the room, comparing it the film. Distracting myself from the real issue, yes I am aware of that. I looked at the Mist and soon switched it so Turgidson could see me. Immediately he started getting a bit distracted, keeping an eye on me. Ripper didn't care. He got up from his desk getting a drink. I had to move out the way seeing the bookshelf move. Of course, that blooper scene we saw in the Exhibitors trailer all made sense now- ouch with Mandrake.

Shelves upon shelves of pure grain, and little science beakers of rainwater. Ripper mumbled under his breath, that Turgidson caused him to drink. Then sliding the bookshelf back, with a harsh force. It was enough to make me jump out of focus to appear before his very eyes.

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