Chapter 29 - Recovery Battle Stations

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From saying a slight yes to a question, I wanted to think over twice. Tubes, pipes and all sorts were strapped into me, and I paled.

"O+" I heard Dr Sparks say. "Rich in iron to. Oh it'll go perfectly together."

I could of thrown up, but I fainted back into the bed. Closing my eyes. Sparks had began the blood transfusion, telling me each step of the way to saying Strangelove's life.

"Think about the bond you'll have, a part of you will be inside him. Making him stronger."

All I did was groan, closing my eyes again.

"I know I know, sight of blood makes your species weak. "You still have lots inside you to function still."

Felt like I had nothing, as I stayed there. Hearing him ramble on and on. Hannibal trying to come back every so often. As I slipped into the dream realm a little bit, for him to grab my attention. I slashed chains at him doing no damage. As I came back into the real world. Opening my eyes, to see the tubes were taken out of me. I rolled my sleeve down, slipping off the bed.

"Blood transfusion, like demons exchanging souls. No wonder it's a difficult process." Mumbling to myself, taking a small stumble down the corridor.

Strangelove was only a few doors down, passing Dr Sparks office, I didn't bother to get his attention. He would know what I'm doing. Human scientist still had his eyes closed, but luckily the bedsheets weren't stained. Heck they couldn't be. Opening the door, slipping inside, closing it, and making my way over to the bed. My heart snapped, beginning to throb.

"Strangelove!" I whispered, sitting down next to him.

Taking his hand into mine, rubbing my thumbs over. His finger had twitched, moving slightly to find me.

"I'm here Strangelove, I'm here."

Slowly opening his eyes, blinking a few times. Stifling a small moan. With Strangelove's open properly now, darting his eyes over where he was. Soon settling on me, closing them.


"Ja," Damn my German should be here now. "Ist es sie." I guessed, somewhere along the lines. Couldn't be to complicated for a short answer.

"Not even close." Strangelove wheezed. "Sie ist es."

'She it is' it would be in English. Guess that makes sense, but the sounding of Si is yes is many other languages. So it would be confusing.

"Where am I?"

"The future, or more or less. My home." I could see Dr Sparks outside the room, wanting to come in, though giving us a few moments.

Must of seen us through the cameras like what Snap used to do when I was a child. Strangelove took his hand from me, wanting to sit up, but though with the wires coming out of him it was a little difficult.

"I don't think that'd be wise Sir. You'll only cause more damage to your wounds. Opening and closing them." Dr Sparks warned, as he came in. "Just lie down for the now."

The brown Autumn coloured Griffin wrote some notes down, placing them aside, checking against my mans forehead.

"You noticed he's a little different than you?"

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora