Chapter 72 - Mars wants to gamble with Pluto, and Jupiter sits above us all.

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I couldn't tell you about the lunch proposal, unless you wanted a huge negative list on what could of gone better. Thankfully I wasn't to be invited out again, Mrs Turgidson's friends didn't like the fact that I was with someone like Strangelove. All I could say in response that "Love makes you do stupid things." Not that any of them would know that. Elaine didn't spend any time in telling me any information, or progress on her marriage, so that can only mean its not settling well. Honestly if this woman wants to bitch about me behind my back, but be nice upfront, then she's got another thing coming. No, I'll do no harm of the sort, but I will get my information from Turgidson if I have to.

Currently right now I was back at Strangelove's apartment, having a new change of clothes, after a shower. Strangelove joined me, but it was just more, or less watching me, I mean poor man can't do much can he. I didn't mind, I just teased him when I did. Trying to find if he has a playful side like mine, and it is there, it's just going to have to be when he can join in.

"Are you still being a psychiatrist for the Turgidson's?" Strangelove asked, pulling me onto his lap.

"I dunno, depends what's going on between them." I replied.

Strangelove kissed my neck, running his left hand over me, before resting them on the button on my trousers. I pushed back into him, giving a slight moan.

"Why bother wearing two layers of clothes in Summer?"

"Self conscious."

"Silly Schön."

"Silly people for not understanding how love languages work. That I played 6 different versions of, perhaps fire might be the most exhilarating one." Soon biting down on my tongue, realising who that was aimed at.

"Fire? Sounds like hell, or whatever demonic thing. Is that a word, demonic?"

"Very different from Democracy if you're thinking of that." Finally doing the button of my trousers up.

"Pity..." Strangelove mumbled, going back to my neck for more kisses. His hands travelling up to my chest.

He wasn't being clingy, but being a little bit cautious. See Mrs Turgidson may have invited me out, but now General Turgidson wanted a turn, like he was to be getting an one up on his Wife. I'm not sure if it was to claim a higher ground, or prove he was a better person. How can you prove anything like that, especially with someone like me, but I wouldn't know. I had no idea what Turgidson had in store, nothing was said, just a call asking if I was free this evening. I should of said no, but what would be the point. He's a persistent bastard when he wants to be.

Anyways Strangelove still was going on with his caressing, and kisses I just had to not get turned on from all of it. Sex smells afterwards, and it's a disgusting smell.

"Sehr sehr Schön, Mein Schön." The German whispered, kissing the other side of my neck, down over the collarbone.

"Ha! That's enough Doc." Unclenching my toes, and trying to wriggle out of his grip.

"Bet you'll be gone all night, that's what that juvenile General has in mind isn't it? What was the occasion last time, the one after Texas?"

"Texas was an Easter egg hunt, after that, a terrible baseball game."

"That man needs Male friends, that's my prognosis."

That just caused me to purr out his 'Doctor' title, and his name. The Doctor having to straighten out his tie to look smart, and brushing down his lap. Typical egotistical behaviour. Then Turgidson's voice had entered the room.

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