Chapter 68 - Newcastle screams the future, and so do the shops content!

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Slight warning for this chapter. In terms of Politics, remember the warnings stated at the start of the book to.

Upon arriving at Newcastle was nothing more than trying to register, and remember behind bridge(s) I had to take to get to the metro centre. I don't normally come here, but when I do it's nothing sort of clothes shopping, and one of the few remaining DVD shops. I had lowered the music down at this point, almost being hit by a boy racer kind of driving. Which was know for in the city centres, although I was surprised at Strangelove.

"That's a terrible car, and who adds gold to the wheels?!" He was slagging off the two cars that passed me, after being in the wrong lane of the roundabout.

1 black, with golden wheel rims, the other red, with whites stripes over it. Both having terrible mufflers on them to sound 'cool' in the streets. The younger generation though, generation Alpha, but everyone was like that when they got a car. Trying show off, me? Nah, I don't really have a taste in cars, except JDM, but even by then I didn't have the money for them. It's why I had Stanley's car.

"You like cars?" I asked Strangelove.

"I wouldn't know, but I know a bad car when I see one."

"What about Stacy here?" I asked, slowing down as we reached the car park.

"Eh no comment."

"She won't be offended, won't you girl?" I patted over the dashboard, before switching to the first gear.

"Aber, I think the...what's Iketani's car, it's the same as Kenta's isn't it?"

Ah the classic Nissan Silvia's, that also caught me off guard, but then it was a good starting off car I thought. Iketani had a Seafoam green S13, while Kenta who was younger had a orange S14, there was a S15 features to, but sadly it wasn't as cool as the early models. I thought Silvia's looked close to the car that might be in the old times, just rectangular and long, although it more of less screamed 1990s of anything.

Anyways I got round to a parking bay, trying to get as close as to the shop entrance as close as possible. For Strangelove's sake.

"I-I've never been to one of thee before..."

"They call them Malls in America right?" I asked, slipping out of the car, to get the Doctor's chair.

That gave him time to think it all over, however he was growing nervous at the sight of it. I opened his car door, keeping a steady grip on the chair, as he got into it. Being scolded though, as he shooed me off. I could only roll my eyes, and tousle his hair as a joke.

"Warten Schön! How am I supposed to go in there?! Wouldn't people recognise me?"

"No I'm my generation Dr Strangelove." Snapping my fingers for the Mist to take place. "Come! The future awaits!"

Inside was just the same as last time, only a few months ago I came here to try, and update my own wardrobe, but it never happened, today's fashion disgusts me. The many different people, and animals that passed us. I said we would head to Debenhams first, one of the last remaining biggest clothes company to actually have stores that are still on the high street. I can't tell you how much it would piss me off, that they wanted to get rid of clothes stores, and have it all online. It was just me though it annoyed lots more people, and the main reason was. 'We have these stores open so we can try the clothes on, otherwise it's guesswork online, especially when websites lie in sizes,' Oh and. 'Sending stuff back is almost as expensive as buying it.' They got that one right.

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