Chapter 12 - Meet the Turdigson(s)

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What do I remember from the film? General Buck Turgidson, the guy who had to tell the President. That one of his generals had a screw loose. Oh, awkward. General Turgidson also made fun of the Russian Ambassador. so it would make sense why Strangelove, didn't want to be friends with him.

I was up first, wondering the apartment exploring everything possible. Even the kitchen, just not the study. I also found that we had another bedroom, but it had a door on the other side. Was it shared with the neighbours, next door?

"Schön!" Strangelove warned. "Curiosity kills the cat."

I made that comeback. "But satisfactory brought it back-"

"Don't act so smart! Young lady!"

I gulped, coming back into the living room. Breakfast of toast was being made, I wasn't hungry though.

"Sorry, I'm just anxious on your performance that's all."

I gave him a look of confusion.

"You are a lady I take it?"

"Oh then no, those kind of people died out years ago. We're all just a big bunch of non classy humans, that hurt other people for no reason." I answered. "Narcissism." I ate the bland toast that was given to me.

Well there was spread options but like the doctor said. My performance was way off for them. So how was one supposed to act so fancy? Like I understood the common manners, but what? Was he going to make me walk properly, with a book on my head? I tried not to act so childish about it.

"If I was you, I would pick a more suitable wardrobe of clothes..." Strangelove paused. "I-I am rather interesting in your style though."

Well thank you, I purred the German translation on my tongue. Unawarely, causing him to tell me off, again. Till moments later, I got given my rules from him, going to put on my 'clown' shoes. Leaving the apartment.

The two of us were going to their apartment, well that's not very formal. Surely it was be in a public gathering, what do Americans have? Cafés, restaurants, the park? No, just house to house socialising. I kicked my feet off the ground a few times, occasionally looking at the wheels of Strangelove. Asking myself rude questions.

Coming across the high streets, cheering up on the sights. The shops were open, and I looked in the windows briefly. Taking the insights of the clothes worn. Dresses by women, suits by men. Knowing that the fashion changed by the decades, but no one knew anything about the 70s, it was just hush hush.

The Turgidson's lived quite a distance from us, I thought about have a small stop. Just for the doctors sake, but again more scolding.

"We're gonna need to a feelings circle or something." I remarked. "I'll start, I'm concerned about you-"

"You're pissing me off!" He cut in.

"I'm trying to be nice."

"And I'll tell you, I'm quite an independent person, I don't need you questioning or helping me in anyway." He stopped, taking a sigh. "It's just round the corner."

Many three storey apartment buildings around us. All being a rather ugly design, some floors having balconies and some not. I felt a small tug on my sleeve from Strangelove, who looked away from me. I crouched to his level.

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