Chapter 32 - Christmas Holiday Day 1 (Pt 2)

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Turns out we stayed there for another hour, before deciding we should head back. With about two more cigarettes smoked by the scientist, he was a little happier, but still too grumpy. Strangelove took me to the room that we would be staying in, a so called blue room. Fancy not having those goggles to see if it was actually blue. Blue no doubt like the atmosphere outside, well I bought it since the labels said so.

I laid down the bed, the middle part. Being to light for me to sink down into it, like the old movies, or movies in general. Kicking off my shoes, making a snow angel motion, looking up at the ceiling.

"Lost in thought, your lost in thought, what you thinking of Schön?" Strangelove asked taking off his suit jacket.

Nervously chuckling as I wanted to lie. "Germany!"

"Scheiße! Think of something else, we've got dinner in two hours."

"Do you wanna watch more of Initial D?" I asked.

"Nein! Gonna take a bath!"

"Oh-" Watching him head to the bathroom. "Want me to join you?!"

"I'd prefer you not this time."

Huffing to myself, I rolled into my front. Biting my index finger seeing him take his shirt off, before closing the door. Perhaps I'll go and invade him in a bit, got a perfect excuse to do so to. I waited a few minutes, looking back at the ceiling with my feet stretching up to it. They were miles away though, soon enough I'd go looking around the place. Opening the bed side draws, to the wardrobe, trailing my fingers all over the walls.

"When then Mr President!" I said to myself.

Having my back against the wall, running my fingers over the doorknob. Eh perhaps I should warn him a little, after all I do make him anxious most times it not, trying to be forward. I turned the handle to the door, slipping inside. He didn't see me yet, dropping to my knees, crawling over to the bath.

"Schön!" He screamed, slashing a shit ton of water at me.

I dodged the attack, standing up to my feet. Seeing him cover his crotch.

"Get the fuck out!"

"Strangelove! It's alright!" I eased, coming over to him kneeling by the bath. "I'm just worried a little, about you." Wanting to run a finger over him, but that's too far.

I looked at scar just above the belly button, looking well, on the way to slowly fading. Strangelove pushed me away, grabbing at his crotch again. Such a scolding expression on him, why had I need to go this far to see my wrong doing? I got up to my feet again, knowing I was gonna make the same pain to myself.

Going over once again to kiss him, which he didn't obliged to much. Having to push me away again, telling my in German to 'Fuck off!'. I left the room, going to find the other people. I straightened out my shirt, before having my hands behind my back. Having a leisurely stroll around the place, upon making it to the dinner room find it empty, then back into the lobby. Think I had the slight hand of where everything is.

Having my back towards the room where the dancing was, I remembered the hallways used to get to the Oval Office. The Presidents room and how I was there for the posters.

"Well well well, I knew you look familiar." I remembered something.

The president greeted us on the spot. Like he'd been expecting us, next to him was a familiar man, but I couldn't quite remember who.

"Mr president." I greeted.

"Hello." He replied.

Strangelove said his greeting in German, before switching to English. Apologising as so. The president didn't seem to mind though.

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Where stories live. Discover now