Chapter 67 - It all rushes over, and all I want is you.

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I had slammed my palm down on my desk, proceeding to close the envelop that way, before chucking it into the Shute to my left, so it'd be immediately sent to Dr. Strangelove. I then gave a sigh, slicing in my chair. I was fucking flustered, and pissed off, I honestly couldn't do anything else more this weekend. The letter didn't say anything about having a break, it was just to plead him to come to the future. Just to kill him with love, because we haven't done much things together for this entire month.

"Eh why must everyone be unhappy around me, I'm dreadfully sorry if I want to be happy in life. After all it's been 23 years of bullshit if you ask me." That was an overstatement though, but it certainly feels like it at times. Just why was it that 90% of people I meet in life, just hate me for now reason, and more than half the time now. I barely say anything, it happens, if I'm new in a group, I'll say one word and I'll be told to shut up, or I'll get kicked out. Honestly it was a rather weird thing. You can't tell me that's not a coincidence cause I don't think it is anymore. Anywho I decided the time now was trying to relax, so I decided to take a quick shower, and wait for Strangelove to get here.


The Doctor had found the later about 2 hours later, he cursed to himself that it had managed to end up on the floor. Straining to pick it up, he managed to get, opening it up, and reading over it. No emotion had hit him though, he was neither glad or annoyed that he'd be going to the future. Really it wasn't a big deal for him, it never excited him, there was nothing special about the future at all. It was just as bland as his time here. It's not that it had anything to do with technology, and how it wasn't as advanced as he thought it would be, or that terrible leaders were still destroying society, or the fact that the world was coming to an end. It just didn't seem anything different to what he already had now.

Strangelove wheeled himself to the other side of the bed, more or less his side of the bed. Picked up the telephone, and went to call Turgidson, as it was instructed in my letter. I didn't want to see or hear them from the last weekend chaos, of baseball flirting, and shitty marriage problems. That General Turgidson (as you can guess) didn't take to this news to well, and as per usual he actually felt insulted that I was dropping him for the time being. Strangelove understood where I was coming from, and was glad I was doing it. He got the more and more ill himself when the General came round. After all the phone call, Strangelove checked the time, and ignored my second request on asking the President himself not to call me this weekend, but that wasn't his position to tell the man of all 50 states that, (and his own boss). The time read 19:38pm and it would be 23pm in Britain. The Doctor still decided to visit me however.


I wasn't asleep like he thought I was, no I was up pacing around my bedroom. Having spurred in a little conversation to myself, someone tagged me in a political argument. Couldn't lie though I actually asked to be in one, just so I could find out where I stood on this wing spectrum I just found out. It was also to do with college as they were kicking people off the course who were right wing, or centre right. Which seemed ridiculous to me.

"Schön?" Strangelove asked, coming into me room.

"One moment Doc." Releasing my finger off the recording button, and pressing it down again.

Finishing off my part of the argument, to releasing the button, and placing the recording device down on my desk.

"Just thought it'd take my mind off being here, away from everyone else's problems."

"Ja, seems reasonable they have been invading your freedom too far."

"Also needing a stress relief. If you catch my hint." I sighed out of satisfaction, coming to sit down on his lap.

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