Chapter 64 - The Date with Desire, and can I get a Cherry with that?

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"Schön!" Strangelove had whined, lying on top of me.

I gave a half smile, running my right hand over his hair, and to his ear. The other hand under my head for support. Strangelove buried his head into my chest, having to whine again. We had a trying morning of should I be accepting this 'date' as Strangelove decided, with Mr Sellers. I didn't see it as a date, but I guess any man asking me out at this point was going to be trouble. Why? I'm not an attractive woman am I?

"Look I highly doubt anything will happen."

"I don't trust you."

"Then trust Sellers, he's married to a beautiful woman, he's not gonna cheat on her." I reassured, I didn't really like Britt though, she wasn't attractive in my opinion, but then again I'm a girl who likes men.

"I don't even know him." The Doctor lifted his head up from me.

"Just trust him, he won't do anything, I can promise you that." Having to run my hand through his hair again.

"I'll make love to Schön-" He sat up from me, placing his hands to the top bottom to my pyjama top, undoing the buttons one by one. "That way you don't crave it from someone else." Placing small kisses down my body.

"Oh Strangelove." I let out a moan, watching him move over me, as I let out another moan.


Mr Sellers had arrived at the White House, I was soon beginning to get sick of the place, and with a few more minutes of reassurance. I was able to leave Strangelove by himself for the day.

"Wash away the doubts Strangelove, you're a passionate fella." I said, before giving him a light kiss goodbye.

Pulling my jacket over my shoulders, and heading out to the concrete world of America. Just wondering what the two of us were going to do...the only thing I could rely on was how he met Britt. A matter of jumping into the far deep end, and marrying her after a very short time from meeting her. I wondered if that was normal here, but then in the older movies it was. It was a movie premier to of The Pink Panther he had invited her to, and as much as I wanted to know how his first marriage started, and finished. The Discord server wasn't given my any information, which sucked.

"Don't be so darn nervous, it's everyone dream to sleep with their celebrity crushes." I said to myself. "Heh sleep, alas Strangelove is a but oblivious to my other interests than Music." I had to smile to myself for that, thinking back to how we danced all through this week.

He enjoyed dancing Strangelove, he really did, he was the one coming up with the dance moves, and I was the one who came almost to sync with the synths itself. It was a rather unusual bond I had ever formed with someone, like me, I didn't know Music had effected Strangelove's soul so dramatically.

I came to the White House the now, giving a groan of frustration, bringing my hand over the back of my head to the base of my heart. Heading down the pathways.

"Boy, how I hate politics." Smiling to myself once again.

Mr Sellers was there alright, wearing casual clothing than from yesterday which was a dark coloured suit. I didn't see the President here, but I had the actor tell me. That Muffley had said something along of the lines of being disappointed with me. Oh uh for 1. Sellers asked me out yesterday not me, I wouldn't dare to ask any famous people out here. Mr Sellers took my hand, saying we had a fun day ahead, but with my mood suddenly effected over something so small. I was beginning to fall flat, and hardly able to form any positivity out of this. I even prayed that Hannibal wouldn't come to mock me.

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