Chapter 18 - A Whole New World, or Two

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"Hi!" Said the pink secretary Griffin, as she sat down next to me.

"Oh hello." I replied. "You're world is very beautiful you know."

"Thank you, just hope you don't mind the entrance. It's to keep the humans out, sometimes we find little ones stumbling across our bridge, maybe they find secret passage ways, or swim out in the sea to far." Skystar shrugged. "You're species is rather intriguing though, especially you."

"O-oh thank you!" I felt a bit embarrassed, but I was the only human that looked quite well taken of.

I wanted to take my collar off, feeling a bit unable to eat. Stretching it out a little, the lights began to dim a darker setting. Causing murmurs between the Griffins. They then went back to normally, and a high power. I shielded my eyes, dropping the plate. Then they suddenly blacked out completely.

"Julious!" I heard Skystar mumble, taking my hand.


Then came screes from the terrified Griffins. Making me cover my ears. What on earth was going on?

"You damn fools!" Cracked a voice, numbers of 1's and 0's of lights appeared.

Flying around around the different groups become setting up high to the stage, forming into the shape of a young Hippogriff.

"You've picked the wrong place to settle your political parties!" The form walked up and down the stage.

I was all so impressed by the idea of this all, an interesting warning act. I wondered how it was all put together.

"Oh not to worry everyone. Just ignore the little act, just an improv group." The queen lied. "Julious you stop this act now!" She screeched.

The whole charade stopped instantly. The numbers disappeared, and the lights came on. Skystar sighed, getting up to her feet. Mumbling under her breath that she was gonna have to be the one again, to tell him off.

"He's in the other world." She mumbled.

Whilst everyone was trying to get over the fact, that lights can flicker on and off. The secretary left my side and walked out of the room. I took off my collar and went to follow after her, back down the corridor, and into the outside.

"Skystar!" I called, jumping down the stairs. "Can I come with you?"

"If you can swim, which should be a yes."

"I-I can't swim." I shook my head, walking over to her.

"But all animals can swim."

I nervously chuckled, I'm the first human to them. "Another human has to teach a human unfortunately."

Skystar brought out a necklace, asking if she could change my character into something more ocean suitable. I had to tell her no again, we've done that test on another human, and it wasn't pretty. She was at a loss though.

"We'll just have to see how it goes in the water then." I suggested.

Skystar took a nervous nod, whispering some chant, changing into a seahorse kind of form. Grabbing my hand and jumping off the cliff. I screamed out in shock. This was nothing similar to the dragon jumping, I used to do as a child. We fell past the waterfall and into the darkness, straight into water, and being carried away down the gorges river.

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Where stories live. Discover now