Chapter 31 - Christmas Holiday Day 1

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Day 1: 12/23/1968
Written in the American date cause why not.

Yesterday was the Sunday, the iffy day. Almost causing an argument in the store, I changed the Mist so we wouldn't cause a scene. I eventually picked one, a pale green, long sleeves, and sorta long by the legs. I feel like Hannibal must of said something to Strangelove, in the dream realm, cause now he said you can wear your regular clothes for today. I wondered why though? Just so I know I'll stick out more? Well at least I'll be comfortable.

Being at the White House was no big issue, it was the fact that there was many people. Strangelove's anxiety was rubbing off of me, and it wasn't nice. The 36th President, along with his First Lady were standing in the general lobby. Greeting the people as they came in. The President feeling mighty happy that we showed up, telling Strangelove that he would be alright. Seems this unbearable mood is often with him, oh he just couldn't be like the film could he? Excited and energetic?

"Schön on no account do I want you going off on your own."

"I'm 23."

"Doesn't matter you're still as big as a risk than myself."

"Awww." I tousled his hair lightly.

Seeing other guests to the party, I recognised some from the war room, some wearing their General Blazers, others in suits. Yes all the women were wearing dresses, it still didn't bother me.

"So any friends apart from the Turgidson's?"


"Strangelove this is so sad." I whispered.

It doesn't bother him though, taking himself to the far side of the room, followed behind. Feeling all sorts of eyes on me, great the age gap once again, I swear if someone asks me. No I'm not related to him. The chattering began to die down, as the President made his speech, his First Lady joining in at times. General discussion, to dancing and then lunch, followed by a quiet smooth evening, followed by more dancing. Strangelove swore under his breath, hitting his gloved hand. Which lightly hit my side, starting to play up a little I assumed. After that it seemed that all the men were leaving the room, even the President himself.
Work? No it couldn't be.

"We could of um lied, it's a stupid excuse as it." The doctor left me to.

Christ Almighty!

"Yoohoo! Oh do join in!" Elaine came over, taking my hand.

"Oh hi!" I half heartily said feeling confused.

Introducing me to the other women, we barely knew each other, but I could except this. All I had to say I was with Strangelove, which raised some questions, and a little offence to him. Biting down on my tongue, I really was crazy to be with him.

"How can someone so young be with someone like him? Like what? 40s?" One women asked, she looked mid 30s.

"Hey! There is an age difference between Buck and I, not to mention-" Eliane stuck up.

"Yes but he's not like him!" Another one spoke.

'Oh like what?! Go on say it!' I cursed in my mind. "Look I love the scientist! I wouldn't judge your relationships."

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Where stories live. Discover now