Chapter 42 - Nervous Ticking Bombs

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During the week of college, I had got up several times, for several walks around campus. Shoving my hands into my pockets, I looked up to the cold, brisk, Scottish Spring. A sharp exhale came a little misty breath. Must of been about 10°C or so, either way I didn't bring my coat, just a jumper.

My intrusive erotic thoughts of both Mandrake and Strangelove became clear, that it just meant I like to fuck around. I couldn't though, I was with Strangelove right now. Just like I was with Pinhead but that didn't last long. I sat up on a wall, overlooking the car park. The Spring sun glaring down, but barely made a dent on temperature.

Oh what did I want? Who did I want? I couldn't lie that Mandrake was indeed all to sweet, but it wouldn't work with him, he's far to soft for my taste. Strangelove well it's why I'm here now, I love him but it's starting to get uneasy with him. The more I went deep into thought, the more sleepy I became, perhaps Hannibal was going to catch me.


I jumped slightly. "Tyler?! No what you doing here?"

"Just seeing where you skive to."

"None of your business you ain't got anyone in love to worry about."

"Relationships are too overrated."

I admired him for that, the so called cycle of jerks that had to end. Spoke to me more than ever at times. Especially when I realised I haven't been dating any human beings, till this point. Though thankfully Strangelove wasn't in this time to breed a new awful generation of Beta.

"But you're in a new relationship aren't you? You were talking about it, after well that abduction."

"Heeeeee yeah don't date demons, it's messy."

"I saw."

I nervously chuckled, trying not to think about the past event of Strangelove's life on the line. I wasn't going to stay out here long, but Tyler insisted I talk about my problem. I shook my head. The psychiatrist doesn't do that, he's the listener. He's meant to suffer, having to cope with 50+ issues at once.

"I'm fine honestly." I lied with an innocent smile.


For this weekend I went straight to Mandrake's, me being me. I lied to Strangelove, and pulled little strings of magic in order for the Group Captain to know. The time machine had put me on the borderline of DC and Maryland. All I needed to do was remember how to get there. The sky here was dull to, dark and grey thick clouds looming over.

"Ah I got the note." The Captain was standing outside, hands behind his back.

"Yes, pretty thing magic is." I mumbled to myself.

Mandrake wasn't in uniform which felt odd, taking my hand in his. I didn't realise he was wearing gloves. How very formal, and oh how it reminded me of Strangelove. Wearing a dark coloured long coat which I presumed to be Navy of a sort. I smiled, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Your clothes from the future are....not very nice are they?"

"Wouldn't blame you, even I don't find it attractive anymore."

Though not that the clothes here fascinated me as such. Although I'll have to admit that the materials where all very nice, and genuine. It's not like the materials now, Polyester, Linen, and Nylon, and you know what the excuse was for tacky clothing? They were running out of cotton. I looked all around. Maryland was quite a nice state, though I was curious and Virginia and West Virginia. Unfortunately we don't have a car to travel far so we were local.

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Where stories live. Discover now