Chapter 51 - Education from the low life

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It was the Monday morning, Strangelove yawned, and yawned once again. His gloved hand having to flick the side of his face. His left hand gave it a pencil to hold, hoping he wouldn't be having an attack. Strangelove opened his eyes, looking around the place, the lights of the pentagon building tended to blind him to much, that no matter how dark his sunglasses went, it never helped. The War Room wasn't much better which annoyed him.

"Crazy night." Turgidson walked over to the doctor.

"Ja, but I enjoyed it. I believe Schön was ovulating last night, that's explains why she was rather in the mood."

"What?!" The juvenile General asked, in fact he hadn't even gotten over last night himself.

He did please his wife that extra bit but then had a feeling he wasn't doing it right. It could of been the fact that he had to do more work with her, and not himself but he didn't really know. Turgidson asked the Doctor again what he meant, getting a small fright as the pencil in Strangelove's gloved hand snapped in half.

"Fucks sake, why do you keep breaking my pencils." He went to try and sit on it. "I meant that Mein Schön was in heat last night, mating season, see it occurs in females once every four weeks, like their periods. Speaking of that hers might be soon. Two weeks from now."

"Oh that makes sense, they become more hyper and wanting you."

"Ja, although females are emotional creatures, and I've yet to learn about Schön." Strangelove frowned, his hand coming back out to see him. "I'll have to invite her for a week and see what happens."

"Gross, periods are gross." Turgidson replied, being a bit slow on understanding it all.

Strangelove chuckled, shaking his head. He was the opposite, he wouldn't say he was fascinated by them, but was rather amused by it. Strangelove knew all of it by heart, heck he had to know in order for the mineshaft breeding project.

"Morning everyone." Spoke the President has he came into the waiting room. "What a bright morning it is."

"Gee someone's had a fun night to."

"Or morning." Strangelove added.

"Please I don't want to talk about sex anymore, my breakfast might start turning."

Again the Doctor had to just chuckle, he was enjoying this conversation.


After the meeting the President called for the Doctor to stay behind. Strangelove didn't want to he was rather busy, but did as he was told. Being questioned on where his girlfriend was, he simply told the President that she was back in her own timeline that she wouldn't be coming until the next weekend. Was he asking for advice to? Strangelove recalled something about his girlfriend saying there might be marriage problems there to.

"When you're happy the world starts falling around you." Strangelove mumbled.

"Pardon me?"

"Nichts! Mr President I was just recalling back to how the last time I was happy in a relationship, the war broke out."

"Oh Strangelove I'm sorry, but there isn't a war here now. Well the Cold War but you know what I mean."

Strangelove gave a nod, but he meant whilst he's happy, other people's relationships around him are failing. Maybe it was just because he was just noticing it the now. The Doctor shrugged, hearing a click go on his chair. His gloved hand had out the break on, he gave a curse in German, bringing it back round to him. Trying to undo the break with his left hand.

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