Chapter 49 - Keeping the Traps shut

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I yawned, with a stretch. Finding myself in Mandrake's arms still. I smiled moving the hair from his face, I had to be leaving unfortunately. Planting a kiss to his forehead, I slipped out his grip, finding the pyjamas on the floor. Putting them on, before slipping out of the room. I came back to the supposed Hotel room I was supposed to be in. General Turgidson was already dressed, and not looking very well.

"Where in the hell were you?!" He shouted.

I waved my hand. "Anywhere but your snoring."

"I thought you-" He paused. "Just exactly where were you last night?"

He must of noticed that his pyjamas was creased up, I signalled he'd look the other way why I got changed back into my clothes.

"Floozy fling." I replied, pulling my shirt on.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Look why do you even care?" I shouted back.

"Because it's my job to care, I brought you here!"

"Fine!" I told him the reason, tilting my head to the side, running my fingers through it like a brush.

Turgidson faced me, speechless on it all. He couldn't even ask me why I did it, but had asked if I've done this thing before. Yes, for your information I had cheated on Pinhead with Strangelove, that's how I was here. I handed him the borrowed clothes, still fixing my hair.

"I-I haven't ever cheated on anyone."

"What about Eliane?" I questioned.

"Oi! She's a flirt! Not a cheat! I'm aware of her flirty antics, after all it's what secretaries do."

I raised my eyebrows, it was still more and likely to happen. The General had the same reaction to Ripper, but instead he was closer to seeing Strangelove than Ripper was.

"No you can't!" I said.

"And why not? You've violated the laws to your relationship!"

"It-it's just that..." I looked for an probable excuse. "Look give me time and I'll tell him myself."

"Better have a good reason to breaking his heart like that."

Yeah, me of all people should know that wasn't the right thing to do. Even if it was good reasons on the Group Captains end. It was just to educate him, but I guess you could straight up call me a no good sleazer for putting myself out like that. When it could of just been done via talking or books. I looked away, scuffing the bottom of my shoe against the floor. Turgidson suggested we'd get breakfast, before heading back to D.C which was fine by me, but not so. I possibly couldn't tell Strangelove this, at least not just yet.

"Don't runaway from the problem at hand, or I'll make sure myself or the General tells the Doctor."

I gulped, bowing my head in shame, hearing the warning words of Hannibal.


The road journey back was rather too silent, I could feel Turgidson judging me from left and right, and took his anger out on the road. Road rage wasn't his thing, it was just an act to start an argument and maybe to threaten me into blackmail. Though again this is me over thinking it, this wasn't him. We were just friends, friends who won't keep secrets.

With another round of Magic, we had our arguments over it. I slept for the rest of the time back. Being dropped back into Strangelove's apartment, who hadn't cared about how the trip was a lot shorter, than it should of been.

"Doctor I insist!" Turgidson advised.

It was the thing of driving him to the science labs, Turgidson had a day off from work. Strangelove refused the help, and escaped from the offer. The General sighed, maybe it was time to face his reality now, a sexually frustrated wife.

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon