Chapter 40 - What does Affairs mean?

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"Strangelove!" I called, the apartment was quiet, was the man hiding?

I found a note stuck to the TV, it was written on German. I scolded, I'm not that fluent. There was an English translation on the back now.

I'll be very disappointed if 'Mein Schön' read this first, and didn't work it out.

Gone out for a few minutes, need to run numbers by the lab.

I folded it up, placing it on the table. Guess I'll amuse myself with American TV for now. Kicking off my shoes, sitting on the sofa, grabbing the remote. The first that came on was an advert for Nuclear Bombs, and what to do. It was a little tortoise who hid in his shell. The narration of hiding, and kids ducking under their tables. Pretty sure you just die from the explosion and radiation, but hey what do I know. As soon as it ended it came on a film, the only thing was that there wasn't a guide or information option. So I skipped to the next channel, and the next, before settling on the news.

"Oh no you!"

Mr Richard Nixon, aka Tricky Dicky was giving a speech. Already prerecorded though I stayed on the channel. Turns out I was on the ABC channel. American Broadcasting Cooperation? Like BBC? Telling us that there were some candidates were going up for the 1970 Election, oh but that means Muffley would be out... Nixon was a Republican, Muffley was a Democrat, and idk my opinions as I'm not American. Heck I don't even know my own parties back home. I frowned bringing out my phone to see what each party was.

"Oh one goes forward, the other goes backwards, it seems." Though I decided I needed better confirmation.

Suddenly my arms became limp, dropping my phone to the sofa, with my eyelids becoming heavily. That I yawned to know that I dropped into the dream realm rather quickly. Hannibal Lecter's doing! I snapped, releasing a loaded lot of knifed blades at him. Hannibal froze my attack, limiting my powers.

"There is no need for violence at this time, you know I warned you earlier about this."

"Fuck you!" I swore.

"Your fantasies are getting weirder." Hannibal warned.

"Fuck off their only bout the Doc!" I folding my arms.

"Oh really?" Hannibal had the look, that I couldn't register, but I knew where he was going with this.

A screen had flicked between us, much like the scene from Wall-E. A light flasher like a projector far behind me. I gulped not really knowing what was going to be shown. It was the Captain and I, Mandrake was on top of me, the two of us kissing. Whilst getting each other undressed, Mandrake soon went to my neck.

"Hannibal you liar! It's not true!" I spat, but to be honest I had imagined a scene once with Mandrake.

For Hannibal I assumed was a guy who wouldn't be sexual with Humans, as he eats them, and he would practically be playing with his food. Seemed to be enjoying himself right now, probably the Narcissism if anything.

"Didn't your last one to say give into your desires?"

"Are you suggesting I have an affair?!"

"No! Just show the fantasies now, and you won't have to think about them again."

I highly doubt that was gonna work, I'm pretty sure the real solution was to just talk to Strangelove about my disgusting thoughts. I ran my hands through my hair, panicking and struggling what to reply. I couldn't talk this through, but I could always insult Hannibal. If my mouth hadn't gone dry.

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Where stories live. Discover now